Trackstar Antelope Volume 35

Start from the beginning

I can't believe that someone who we're supposed to trust as herbivores could do something like that. I don't fully understand the effects of herbivore blood on carnivores, but I can assume that too much of it can lead to other... desires.

"I thought that if I confronted him about it, he'd leave it alone. I told him that I knew in the last week of school, during recess... that might've been before he argued with you, Levi and Riley" Murray told me.

"So, what happened afterwards? Is he still some kind of blood junkie?" I ask him

"Yesterday, I found out that it was the Dalmatian and the Great Dane who were giving it to him... they got it from some kind of dealer from Tangouri. They bought it off him, and they offered it to Odis. That dog is too strong to give in to the temptation, so my guess is that he was pressured into it" Murray explained to me. "I found them at the Shearing Day and threatened to turn them into the police. But then they started chasing me, and I fled towards the river, away from the Shearing Day festivities, and other vulnerable herbivores"

I didn't realise how deep this whole thing went. I honestly just assumed Murray was being mean to them both, and he was being chased by all three dogs. But... what was Odis doing?

Chapter 326: Pop goes the rifle

"In the end, I found out that Odis was trying to save me. He finally came back to his senses at my time of need" Murray explained. "He did what a good herding dog did. He eliminated any threats from the area, and he stopped them both until help came along. He overcame being manipulated and controlled by two older students, who he would've looked up to"

Man, I know that feeling... thinking about what Abe went through.

"As soon as I was cornered, they were ambushed by Odis... he's a lot stronger than he looks. Then security came along and dragged them off... and Odis went AWOL" Murray told me. "I just wanted you to hear because I just... I feel different views of carnivores now. I can't say that I love them all, but maybe I won't hate them as much. I see why you like them, and that's okay... and I'm sorry for being a dickhead about it"

The door suddenly opens from behind me, and I see one of Murray's brothers walks past to get something out of his bag.

"Don't mind me, just getting me smokes" he says.

"Does dad know about 'em? He'd lose it if he ever caught you with ciggies" Murray replies.

"Nah, what he doesn't know can't hurt him. Plus, it'll keep those carnivores off me. I doubt they'd like the taste of tar in me lungs" his brother replies. He leaves before closing the door.

"Oi Jamel" I hear Murray say as I'm still looking at the door. "Wanna shoot some tinnies?" I hear a gun cock behind me, and I turn around in surprise to see Murray holding an air rifle in his hand.


Murray slowly slumps off his bed and moves into some crutches, and we both head out to his backyard, with me holding the rifle. I've never fired a gun before... I hope it doesn't suddenly go off in my hands. We move out next to an old tin shed, where I can see some beer cans sitting on a wooden stump. Murray leans his crutches against the shed as he sits in a camp chair in the shade.

"Here, I'll show you how to shoot this thing" he says while loading it. I never knew that Murray had a gun... well, it's an air rifle, so there isn't gonna be much damage. I'm sure he just does target practice with it, and he can, considering that he doesn't have any neighbours to bother.

I look around me. Other than Murray's house, the tin shed and the tin cans around us, there is absolutely nothing. It's just flat ground, that's covered in dry grass. If I looked away from Murray's house, you could convince me that the world was just half yellow, dry dirt, and half beautiful blue, rich sky...

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