(8) Brother

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This story is a work of fiction. Any names of characters, places and events mention are clearly coincidence and fictional.

After that fateful night with the crown prince and his lover, news spread like wildfire throughout the court. I knew my Father must have heard about it, but thankfully, he didn't confront me. Instead, I heard whispers among the nobles sympathizing with Elysia, painting her as the 'victim,' while I was labeled as the villainess. It's perplexing how much people involve themselves in matters that don't concern them.

It was another peaceful day for me when I heard the news of my brother's arrival. Now I remember, Astridelle has two elder siblings. The first child is her eldest sister, then her brother, as she is the youngest. Astridelle didn't really get to bond with her siblings because she was still too little when they ventured out for their mission. They were already deep into their training and responsibilities by the time she was old enough to remember. Despite a couple of visits over the years, there wasn't much time to truly get familiar with each other. It's a strange feeling knowing I have siblings out there whom I barely know, yet I can't help but feel a sense of curiosity and longing to connect with them.

Upon learning that they would be staying home for good, especially with the Duchy's anniversary and my 18th debut celebration just a month away, I couldn't contain my excitement. It's been too long since I last saw my siblings, and having them here for such important occasions fills me with anticipation.

As I closed the book, the intricate world it painted lingered in my mind, drawing me deeper into its fantastical realms. The blend of history and fantasy was captivating, and I found myself lost in its pages until the early hours of the morning.

"Freya, when will my brother arrive?" I inquired, my steps heavy as I made my way towards my bed.

"I heard they'll arrive around after lunchtime," Freya replied, concern lacing her voice.

I nodded wearily, already feeling the pull of sleep. "I'll rest for a little bit. Wake me up when they're almost here, okay?"

"You stayed up late last night, young miss," Freya reminded me with a gentle sigh.

I smiled sheepishly, feeling a pang of guilt for losing track of time in the pages of the captivating novel. "I couldn't help it. The story was so enthralling, I didn't even realize it was almost sunrise."

Freya sighed in resignation. "Have a good rest, young miss," she said before quietly exiting the room and closing the door behind her.

As I sank into the soft embrace of my pillow, thoughts of my brother's imminent arrival danced in my mind, lulling me into a peaceful slumber filled with dreams of adventure and wonder.

As I slowly opened my eyes, I felt someone shaking me gently. It was Freya, her expression a mix of concern and urgency.

"Oh goodness, young miss. Your brother has already arrived," she said in a panicked tone, her words jolting me awake.

My eyes flew open, and I sat up abruptly in bed, a surge of panic coursing through me. "Why didn't you wake me up before he arrived?" I asked, my voice tinged with urgency.

"I did try, young miss, but it seems you overslept," Freya replied, her voice apologetic as she explained.

"Alright, ready my dress as I'll take a quick bath," I instructed, not waiting for her response as I hastily made my way to the bath, my mind racing with thoughts of reuniting with my brother after such a long time.

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