(3) New Life

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This story is a work of fiction. Any names of characters, places and events mention are clearly coincidence and fictional.

s I slowly stirred from my slumber, the haze of sleep lifting from my mind, I found myself engulfed in a sea of unfamiliar eyes. Each pair bore into me with a mixture of concern, curiosity, and something else, something I couldn't quite decipher.

Before I could gather my bearings, a small figure emerged from the crowd, her tear-stained face a mask of anguish as she approached. Her voice trembled with emotion as she questioned me, "Why did young miss do that? You miss is precious enough. Why did young miss have to harm herself for the sake of the prince?!"

At the corner of the room stood a tall man, his presence commanding attention and radiating an aura of intimidation that sent a shiver down my spine. Despite his formidable stature, there was a gentleness in the way he reached out to comfort the woman by his side.

She, with her ethereal beauty and eyes like pools of sorrow, glistened with unshed tears as she sought solace in the embrace of the man. Her delicate features were etched with pain, her every movement a symphony of raw emotion that echoed through the room.

As I took in the scene before me, a sense of disorientation washed over me like a tidal wave. Who were these people? And what connection did I have to them, if any? The unanswered questions swirled through my mind, leaving me adrift in a sea of uncertainty and confusion.

As the beautiful woman approached me with an outstretched hand, a sense of warmth enveloped me as she drew me into a tight embrace. Her touch was comforting, and her soothing words washed over me like a gentle breeze, promising solace in the midst of confusion.

"I'm sorry, my dear," she murmured, her voice soft and tender. "Everything will be alright. You're safe now."

A sudden flash of memory surged through my mind like a bolt of lightning, illuminating the depths of my consciousness with startling clarity. In that moment, I saw them - Celeste and Galahad Nivalis, the Duke and Duchess of the House of Nivalis, standing before me with expressions of love and concern etched upon their faces.

In the memories that flooded my mind, they were more than just figures of authority; they were loving parents who doted on their daughter, Astridelle, with unwavering affection. I remembered the laughter that echoed through the halls of their grand estate, the warmth of their embraces, and the tender moments shared between a family bound by love.

But beneath the surface of their idyllic facade, there was a shadow lurking in the depths of their hearts - a sense of guilt and remorse for the fate that had befallen their beloved daughter. They blamed themselves for Astridelle's descent into darkness, haunted by the knowledge that they had failed to protect her from the cruel twists of fate that had led her down a path of destruction.

As the memories unfolded before me, I felt a surge of empathy and understanding for the parents who had watched helplessly as their daughter's innocence was tarnished by the weight of her own actions. They had known of her mischievous tendencies, but they never could have anticipated the depths of her descent into darkness, nor the havoc she would wreak upon the lives of others.

As I emerged from the depths of my memories, the familiar faces of Celeste and Galahad Nivalis greeted me with a mixture of relief and concern. Celeste's gentle voice broke through the silence, her eyes searching mine for any sign of distress.

"Are you alright, dear?" she asked, her tone filled with genuine concern.

With a weary smile, I nodded in response, the weight of the memories still heavy upon my mind. "Yes, I'm alright, mother" I replied softly, my voice tinged with exhaustion.

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