Chapter 8: The Wiliest Of Ways

Start from the beginning


Apartment 274, Terrow Heights Apartment Complex, Baltiney, New York...

Coleman Kennison had not known what to expect when he arrived at Valencia's apartment in the wake of his son returning from his lunch break. He took a deep breath as he stood before her door, apartment 274, He had been rather familiar with it given he'd followed Ryker to this very place some months prior and uncovered his rather spirited affair with the young Spanish decent waitress he'd been enamored with. Coleman had secretly hoped that she'd be the one to curb his adverse appetites and get him to settle down once again despite the losses he'd suffered in the wake of losing his first wife and their children, sadly, Ryker had not been of the mind to think of such a thing and only ever opted for pure sex with the lovely lass.

Coleman had noted that the apartment had not been as tidy as it had been during his previous visit when he confronted the young woman about her affair with his son and warned her about hurting him in anyway shape or form. Valencia had invited him in for coffee and they had a rather interesting chat where she admitted to being interested in something more with Ryker, who had told her his name was "Ken" upon their first meeting.

The moment Valencia opened the door with her apartment a mess and her hair wild with her face swollen and eyes puffy from constant shedding of tears Coleman's hopes of her being able to get his son to once more settle down had evaporated.

"What's he done now?" asked Coleman in a rather stern and annoyed tone.

"He found my pregnancy test," admitted Valencia sorrowfully. "He went ballistic when he saw it and we got into a big fight and he left."

"Pregnancy test?" asked Coleman sounding a bit hopeful given he'd been wanting more grandchildren but his son's stance on not having any more or a wife for that matter had not changed.

"I forgot when he came in for lunch and he saw it, it's positive...I'm carrying your grandchild but Ken....your son doesn't want anything to do with us." Valencia sobbed as she attempted to explain what happened between herself and Ken hours prior.

"Of course," said Coleman with a disappointed sigh. "Well, that doesn't include me or my wife, we are looking forward to the birth of our grandchild no matter what he says, we'll help you both in any way possible."

Valencia seemed to be a bit at ease about this. She had still been quite upset that Ken had wanted nothing to do with them but was content to take what she could get for her unborn child's sake if nothing else.

"I've never seen him so angry." she continued still recounting what happened.

"I'll have a talk with him," Coleman assured her. "He may not want anything to do with this baby or you for now and given the fact that he feels betrayed he's going to be that way for quite some time, but he'll come around."

Valencia had been content to believe Coleman as he'd been Ken's father after all and knew him best. She nodded and hugged him before venturing to the bathroom to bring out the pregnancy test to show him the results herself. Coleman had not thought much of Valencia when he first met her but he had been looking forward to once more being a grandfather once again courtesy of his only son.


Ken's Office, Top Of The Tower, Financial District, Baltiney, New York...

With something of a triumphant shout, Ken Ryker thrust deeply into Evelyn's sodden sex and unleashed the floodgates of his pent-up need not at all phased about the mess they had made of his desk once the ink had dried on the paperwork. He had managed to get her to place it in a safe attache case before he fully indulged his lust and hers as well. A wicked smirk filed across his handsome dark face as Evelyn attempted to catch her breath in the wake of the rollercoaster ride that had been her many releases in the wake of his skillful pumping. She reached up stroking his smooth face and chin as he kissed her hand and continued to pin her against his desk as his thick cock continued to pulse inside the still-moaning Evelyn.

"Fuck..." she hissed feeling a bit weak.

Ken had been still smirking as she rolled her eyes not at all liking the idea that a bastard like him still had such an effect on her no matter the distance and time spent apart. He pulled out taking a moment to catch his breath as Evelyn took a moment to sit up and fix her attire. Ken dropped down into his large black leather chair while tucking his slick cock back into his suit slacks as he found himself riding high off his latest exploits and another contract well negotiated.

"That deal better be on the up and up, Ken," said Evelyn once more in warning. "I would hate to have to come after you for misconduct in business."

"It's legit, besides I much prefer when you cum before me while I'm bending you over my desk," he replied still relishing his conquest.

Evelyn rolled her eyes and straightened her blouse as she made herself a bit more presentable despite feeling the effects of Ken's most recent release dribble down her inner thighs. She had gotten ready to take her leave with the contracts well in hand when Ken suddenly got up from his chair and stopped her at the door.

"Any time you wanna be fucked for real, you know where to find me, contract or no contract." he offered. "Besides you and I both know that little boy toy of yours can't handle that tight pussy like I do."

"Goodbye Ken," said Evelyn after rolling her eyes once more before stepping out of the office.

Ken smirked as he watched her go his dark eyes fixated on her shapely ass as he noted the difficulty in her steps from his efforts during their sex romp. He made it a point to ensure that she couldn't walk straight after the fact. 

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