Chapter 55: Window Pain

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Chapter 55: Window Pain

Master Bedroom, The Kennison Estate, Latimer Ave, Baltiney, New York...

    The rumbling of thunder had been an appropriate backdrop for the war going on inside the contentious weary mind of Ken Ryker, formerly Ryker Kennison. He had managed to make his way home in the middle of the night but had not been of the mind to venture toward the apartment of his on-and-off lover Valencia nor his current pet project of sorts Dean at the roadside motel. He had come home in a bid to recuperate from his rather blissful week of nonstop parties and numerous sex romps with either one or the other. He very rarely liked to be alone during his downtime but something had compelled him to return to his former family estate alone. Ken passed out after a few shots of bourbon and found his way into an uneasy sleep only to awaken at the first crackle of thunder as it ripped across a black sky that loomed over his surroundings.

Ken had been covered in a sheen of sweat as he opened his eyes finding himself lying on his back in the center of his bed noticing how the lights had all gone out and he'd been relatively alone. The rumbling and the flashes of lightning amid the hard downpour of rain only seemed to make the war inside him all the more intense.

{"Rye."} said a familiar voice getting his attention.

Ken tried to ignore it knowing all too well whom the voice had belonged to. He had known that she couldn't be the one speaking to him, she'd been dead for years.

He attempted to close his eyes and fall back asleep knowing there wouldn't be much for him to do with the house pitch black due to the blackout and his inability to see very much aside from his hand in front of his face due to the flashes of lightning.

{"Rye...."} the voice had returned but this time he could have sworn she'd been near him in the dark, her lovely naked body present as she slowly straddled his waist.

"Fuck..." growled Ken unable to ignore the very real image of his naked and very dead wife as she settled onto his cock as she had so many times before. "No..."

Sera smiled at him like she always had, so bright it could have given off light of its own. She placed his hand on her belly as she stared into his terrified eyes and told him about their unborn baby.

Ken had been at a loss for words as he noted the blood spilling from her mouth and stomach as the room shifted and they were once more at the crash site.

He could see the debris and the broken bodies that littered the site. The same rage and anxiousness that filled him that awful night had returned in full force and he found himself moving through the all too familiar wreckage. The atmosphere shifted and he'd been speeding down the highway with a bottle of booze gripped firmly in his hands as he loosened his tie as a loudly blaring tune played in the background the words had eluded him, but he recognized the beat being a sort of rock n roll track.

He pushed his foot down on the gas as the speed increased. On the seat beside him had been Sera, as dead as she'd been during the plane crash with blood running down her cheeks like tears as she sat back without a seat belt, her body slowly decomposing yet still beautiful as she sat beside him begging him to go faster as he pressed the gas harder the drink spilling all over the front seat as he focused on the empty highway at her behest. She reached over and gripped his cock causing him to take his eyes off the wheel then the car spun out of control and the impact was nearly upon him before everything went black.

"AHHHHHH!" yelled Ken as his eyes burst open amid the darkness but he was not alone as his body convulsed in the wake of him nearly falling out of his bed.

" your's okay Ken it's okay." said the soft and concerned voice of Evelyn Towers as she softly stroked Ken's cheek.

His body continued to shake among the bedding as the seizure lingered with its hold over his body. Evelyn gently spoke to him and patted his sweat-slick face with the wet cloth she'd managed to get to. Hot tears streamed down the cheeks of the visibly disoriented Ken Ryker as Evelyn attempted to keep him calm and see him through his seizure.

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