Chapter 13

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"YOU DID WHAT?!?" I scream at Jacob from across the blacks yard.

"I kissed Bella!" He says. I take slow violent steps towards him.

"Did she want to be kissed?" I ask my words bubbling with furry.

"No she punched me in the face." He says slightly ashamed

"So let me get this straight." I say taking a step, now I am about 10 feet away from him "you kissed Bella." Another step. " Against her will." Step "Knowing full well she has a boyfriend." Step. "That is assault Jacob Black. Assault!" I yell three feet from him

Being in love with Bella when she had a boyfriend whatever. Kissing her well she had a boyfriend, makes him an ass. Kissing anyone against there will. I am going to kill him

I take the final step closing the distance between us. I put my hand on the back of him neck forcing him to look at the ground.

"Don't forget Lila I am stronger." He say back pushing against my hand. It dose nothing his leans over still struggling.

"Well" I say "I am angrier."

I switch my hand around so that it is on the front of his neck pushing him up. So he is now standing "sense Bella's push didn't hurt, this one with!" With all the power in my fist.

His nose didn't break but it started to bleed and Jake  started to shake like he was about to phase. I raise my hand again. Warm strong arms wrap around me, pulling my away.

Seth throws me over his shoulder. I lift my head to get a better view of Jake, I also see Billy in the door way, he looks at his lawn there is charred patches throughout the grass from me. I look at him thinking how the hell a father could let there son grow up to be a fucking assaulter.

"Not going to apologize for my lawn?" He questioned

"Not gonna apologize for your bitch ass son?" I quipped back

Seth walked my like that to Sam and Emily's. When we get there he sets me on the couch I cross my arms  and pout at him.

"Are you going to play nice?" He asks me

"No," I say stubborn

"What are you two doing here?" Sam questions us

"Lila broke Jake's nose," Seth says. Sam doesn't look surprised, that bastard knew too and didn't tell me.

"One I didn't break his nose I just punched him and number two" I turn my gaze to Sam "why didn't anyone tell me what Jake did!?"

"Because we knew you would act like this!" Sam said. I scoff

My vision changes and I see a party, Bella is there, Jacob's there, quill and Embry.

I am back at the house with Seth and Sam

"What did you see, honey?" Seth asks me. I don't respond,

"Ugh I don't get a break do I," I pull out my phone and call Jake's house, to my luck he answers.

"Jake I know I can't sway your from going, so can I come with you?" I ask

"Hello, and I am guessing you are coming whether I like it or not?" I smile

"I will be, pick me up at 7," then I hang up and look back at Sam and Seth,

"Jack and all them are going to Bella's graduation party and if I can't stop him I am going with," I say, Seth looks at me and Sam opens his mouth to speak

"No, the culled don't know what you are and we are keeping in that way," he says with that finality only a leader could have.

"I am a person, not a secret weapon, or a glass vase, they will not fine out my secret. I wasn't asking I am telling," I was the one person Sam can't fight. I have just as much power as him if not more.

"I want to go," Seth say

"No" me and Sam say in unison

"You are to new to this, and I don't want you around them," I say  "I won't risk your life,"

"But you'll risk yours?" He asks

"Over yours, ever time," I say


Jake picks me up at 7:00, with quill and Embry. We don't speak on the way.

The Cullen house it gorgeous, it is hard not to be wowed. They just walk in and the music is loud I stay with the guys well Jake goes to Bella. I watch as the talk then a brown haired girl... vampire, talks to Bella and runs off. Bella fallows her so does Jake so do I.  

"There coming," says the dark haired vampire to the other vampire.

"who is coming?' asks Jacob.

"We will need all the help he can get" says a vampire I recognize. The vampire doctor.

"Spill!" Says quill louder than needed, getting aggressive.

I turn to him "quill, back down," I say sternly. Then turn to the vampire, "what is the situation?" I ask the vampire.

"There are newborn vampire in Seattle..." doc vamp explains that there are special, stronger, faster, vampire coming to forks. The curly vamp has "special training" so 3 am tonight we meet up and get this training. I tell them I am a witch because I want to help, Sam yells, Paul yells, and one that hurts the most Seth yells.

We stand across a field from the Cullens. "Now or never," I say to the wolfs beside me and start to walk to the group of creatures. Then I feel something stoping my motion clamped to the back of my coat.

Seth. His teeth on my coat and I can't move. I give him a reassuring look and wait. When he drops my coat then I pay him on the head and continue my journey across the field. When I get there I Stand about 10 feet away from them.

"If you're not a wolf what are you?" Ask then mind one.

"What are your names?" I ask

The doctor/leader starts "I am Carlisle, that is Esma, Alice, jasper, Emmitt and Rose"

I nod, "I am Lila.."

"What are you?" Asks Edward again.

"I'll show you.." I say calm and quit concentrating letting the fire spread from my feet to the ground and watching their eyes in awe. I smile the fire stops with no singe marks "call me a witch or a sorceress" I say with a shrug.

Jasper teaches us a ways to kill the younger, stronger and faster vampires. I feel the wind pick up and shiver as chills run up my back. Then I fell Seth's sandy coat press up against me. He is huge compared to me our first eyes are lever when he is like this. The rest of the wolves are bigger than him though they don't scare me.


After the lesson the pack is all at Sam and Emily's. All of the wolves except Leah are in just shorts. I am sitting on the couch between Seth and my brother. They are all wide awake and I think that sometimes they forget that I am human and need sleep way more than them.

They are all taking strategies and I feel my eyes get heavy I lean my head on Seth's shoulder and nod off.

A/n: sorry y'all it has been a minute

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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