Chapter 5

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(Lila's POV)

The kiss's was short and sweet. The sound of the bell is what Broke us apart. "I have to go to class" I say a little to fast. Seth says something I don't catch as I bristly walk to French. What did I just do? I kissed Seth. Kissed him!

Classes drags on I tell lunch. I walk through the doors of the small cafeteria. I walk towards the hot lunch line, right before I join the end of the line I feel someone grab my wrist. I spin on my heels to see Seth smile at me. "Hey" he says hopping in the line in front of me. "What are you getting?" He asks me

"Just a water I don't feel great"

"Okay."he says picking up a water and paying for it.

"Thank you" I say as he starts to lead me to the table he normally sits at. "I am not sitting with the popular friends!"

"Why not?"

"Cause you see the way kinley looks at you. She is in love with you."

"Well that is not the way I feel for her. She has nothing on the girl I like." Then he smiles at me a warm and loving smile, then continues to pull me to his table "guys this is Lila my" there is an awkward pause "friend" I mean I was not expecting his to call me his girlfriend yet. But it took a lot for him to call me a friend, ouch.

"Hi" i says. To my relief Jacob, Embry, quil and Jared are at the table as well. Kinley looks at me with loathing. I sit next to Jacob and Seth sits on my other side. Then I whisper in jakes ear knowing kinley can't hear but the rest of the wolfs can "well that bitch looks like she wants to cut me." He snickers . Seth who overheard. Looks at kinley and puts his arm around my shoulder while continuing to talk to her. I put on the most innocent smile possible. Then I leaned my head on Seth's shoulder.

After lunch ended me and Seth had English together, but our sits were across the room from each other. On the very bright side I sat next to Embry. Him and I are very good friends and entail Seth imprinted on me some would say I had a crush on him. I would say I was head over heals for him. My feelings were always one sided. " hey em" I say

"Hey" he says in a grumpy voice

" whoa who kicked you puppy?" I ask

Just then before he got to answer, the teacher started his lecture, but mind was in an itinerary different place a place with Seth, I don't know what I feel, do I love him? Or is it the imprint thing? Well love is a strong word I hate that word the insurance behind it like it is really true. Whatever I know I like him imprint or not. The bell rings scaring me from my thoughts. Embry left quickly, getting up from his chair and almost running from the door. "I'll walk you home?" Seth asks me

"Sure"I say with a smile. I pick up my stuff and we walk to my locker I put my stuff in my bag. Then I looked up at Seth. "Ready?" I ask

"Ready"he says taking my bag from me. We walk down the short path back to my house side by side and ever once and a while our hands touch. We are walking in silence but it is not uncomfortable or awkward it is just nice. He walks me all the way to my front door.

"See you soon." He says " good bye Lila"

"Bet Seth" I walk in side and to my dismay there is my father on my couch. I try to walk quickly to my room.

"No hello?" My dad asks

"No telling me when you leave or come back." I say he leaves and comes back when he pleases. It use to hurt but now it is just life. I walk in to my room and lock the door, I don't wanna have to deal with him. I start on my homework. I have to be the prefect student to get in to a good college, I want to get out on this little town. I want to be a doctor, that is the life I am working too. Once all my home work was done, I have an uncomfortable amount of free time on my hands. I don't want to go back in to the living room so I unlike my door and write a note for Paul. Going to the Clearwaters. I sit on the edge of my window And swing on to the tree right next to my window and climb down.

Witched- Seth Clearwater Where stories live. Discover now