Small Blade - The Struggle For Trost: Part 3

Start from the beginning

But a minute later, she too was out of gas, leading us to fall in an alleyway, near titans.

I was on the ground, just feeling hurt all of a sudden and I didn't know what was going on until I saw Mikasa being dazed.

Elias: Mikasa!

I ran to check on her, but I helped her up as I want to make sure she was alright and not really hurt.

Elias: You okay?

Mikasa: I'm fine, thanks.

~Mikasa POV~

Mikasa (thinking): This world is cruel...

I then though about Elias' smile and just how handsome he is.

Mikasa(thinking): ...but, it's also beautiful.

Just as I thought of that, a Titan walked towards us as Elias got in front of me.

Mikasa(out loud): It was a good life.

Elias: What?!

The Titan reaches out its hand to grab me but Elias intercepts by slicing off the fingers, in a result of having the other arm crash, but send us both back.

It happened again, but Elias and I flew backwards while I was fallen a ways away from Elias.

Mikasa(thinking): Why? I'd already given up. So why--? Why am I struggling? Why do I keep getting up?

Elias: MIKASA!

He came running to me to help me up, but I wasn't listening.

Elias: We have to get to higher ground. If we don't, we're good as dead!

Mikasa: Why am I still fighting? I've already lost any reason to live. What keeps pushing me?

Eren(From flashback): FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!

Mikasa: Eren.

Eren(From flashback): THE ONLY WAY TO LIVE IS TO FIGHT!

Mikasa: I'm sorry, Eren. I'm through giving up. I'll never give up again. Because if I die, these memories of you die with me. That's why we'll do whatever it takes to win.

I then grabbed my sword in a charge position and screamed as loud as I could, ready to fight until I can't breathe again.

~Elias POV~

When I looked to get her out of there, I saw something coming down her face and I had to see what was going on.

When I looked closer, oh my God. Her head's been split open and I have to bandage her up sooner than later!

I don't know why Mikasa was screaming and looking to fight, but I saw a Titan behind her and I had to move her out of the way so she doesn't get killed!

Elias: Get down!

I grabbed her, pulled her aside as the Titan behind us sruck the Titan about to grab them both, as we jump and hurt ourselves a bit.

Elias: What was that?

Then that Titan proceeds to kill the Titan it was fighting and looked to kill us!

Mikasa: Elias, are you seeing this? That Titan, he's... he's killing the other one!

As soon as she said that, the Titan stepped on the nape and killed it, but out of nowhere...

(A/N: Sorry, Randy Orton.)

...someone grabbed us and threw us onto the rooftop, but who saved us had us happy to know that he was still here.

Armin: Mikasa! Elias! Are you okay?

Then Conny flew in and landed next to all of us, making us feel happy we're still around some of our friends.

Conny: Are you guys alright?

Armin: Yeah.

Conny: Then we better get outta here! Aw crap. Two fifteen meter Titans!

Elias: I wouldn't go too far Conny! See where my finger is pointing?

Conny: Yeah? So?

Elias: That one's different.

Armin: How?

The two titans roared until they fought, resulting in the other Titan getting killed.

Armin: It-- It finishes it off. He knew where the weak spot was!

Conny: Come in guys! Time to split! Last thing we need is him coming our way!

Elias: Hold on, Cueball.

I thought I heard Mikasa actually snickering at the little joke that I was playing, but I had to get serious.

Elias: He has no reaction to us. Any other Titan would have been on top of us right now!"

Mikasa seemed to get an idea of what I'm talking about because it's now going after another Titan!

Armin: It seemed to understand the skill of hand to hand combat. What is that thing?

Conny, like always, just had to deny it.

Conny: Just chalk it up as another abnormal! Hell, they're always full of surprises, right?

Elias: You're not wrong, Conny.

Conny: Well, let's get out of here!

Saved by the last millisecond, Armin had said something about our tanks being out.

Armin: Wait a minute! Mikasa and Elias' tanks are empty!

Conny: Huh? What are we gonna do?! We can't clear HQ without your help!

Armin: There's only one thing to do.

Armin kneeled and looked to replace his almost empty tubes with Mikasa's, but I had to step in because she's hurt and when we get to HQ, I have to bandage her up.

Elias: No. let me take them. Mikasa can hold onto my back.

Mikasa: Elias! No! Let me take them!

Elias: You got your head busted open and I'm not gonna let you get killed. Save your energy.

Soon enough, Armin replaced his gas tubs with mine as he grabbed a small blade.

Armin: Alright, it's functional now. And I restocked your blades. Just leave me this one, okay? It's just that I'd have this be my end, not being eaten alive.

Then, you couldn't believe it, Mikasa took the blade out of Armin's hand and threw it off the roof.

Armin: Why?! Why'd you?!

Mikasa grabbed Armin's hand and said this...

Mikasa: Armin. We will not leave you behind.

I helped him up to his feet as the four of us looked at the hand to hand combat Titan, but what was he? Are there any more like him? We've never heard of a Titan killing another Titan. No one has, but it struck a cord in me for some reason. Something so familiar and so primal.

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