Without even thinking about discussing whether or not the costume design itself was good or bad.

In fact, these are skills that high-ranking office workers naturally use.

It's not terribly special.

However, this also means that it is difficult for an aspiring 20-year-old singer to use.

'What a strange guy.'

PD Kang Seok-woo thought about this and nodded to the designer.

At the same time, he looked towards take scene.

This means that you should not only provide convenience on 3 M & 100 D, but also correct the color of take scene.

The chief designer seemed to understand clearly.

"Okay, let's do that. Then all we have to do is find a design that matches the concept draft?"

"Is it possible?"

"I don't think it will be difficult because the concept is clear."

"I look forward to!"

"Thank you!"

Producer Kang Seok-woo chuckled as he saw Han Si-on pretending to be a chick again after getting what he wanted.

*      *      *

While self-styled outfits were being prepared, the photo shoot to be published in the magazine began first.

Today's filming took place simultaneously in studio A with take scenes taking place in studio B.

"Okay, let's take a group shot first!"

Interestingly enough, the aces and holes for both teams were clear.

The ace of take scene was Ilevel.

The stage names for the take scenes are all filming site terms, and eye level refers to the angle from which the subject is viewed from eye level.

The eye level angle is greatly influenced by the actor's acting ability.

The eye-level angle of a famous actor gives a stable and comfortable feeling, but the eye-level angle of a third-rate actor only gives a boring feeling.

In this context, the eye level of Ilevel take scene was that of a famous actor.

Even though they received the same cut with the same composition as the other members, he still shined.

"Nice! Stare more persistently!"

The photographer also started asking for various gestures as he takes pictures.

If the ace of take scene was Ilevel, the hole was fade.

"Mr. Fade! Strengthen your eyes! No, just look at me!"

Because he seemed to lack confidence and had a lot of random thoughts.

Take Scene members felt unfamiliar with this type of fade.

What kind of guy is Fade?

Sometimes it's embarrassingly direct, and sometimes it's unpleasantly bold.

In fact, Fade was a member who was eliminated from the debut group once but returned due to a vacancy.

Normally in cases like this, there is a high chance of being discouraged because of the memory of 'being eliminated', but it wasn't for fade at all.

Rather, he acted confidently as if he were the savior of a team that was about to collapse.

Of course, there were team members who liked Fade's attitude, and there were also team members who disliked it.

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