Not only did she always look out for her but she's always there for her. No matter the issue, she could always talk to her without having to feel hesitant or needing to keep a secret from her. She also couldn't help but love the way she treats her teammates. Each day that passes by she noticed how close they have become even to the point where Sowoen feels comfortable around her. When she first started to hang around them the youngest would hold back on her comments or who she was. Her hands would sometimes shake for nervous unsure if she was allowed to speak. Leah would always notice how hesitant she could be or when her anxiety sometimes tried to take over her. Sowoen is naturally an introvert and a shy person, she's only shy with new people. With her members she's always allowed to be herself around them without a care in the world. Leah used to be that way when she was a teenager and immediately noticed the signs. She would always carefully approach the younger girl and always ask for her permission. She once assured her it was okay to say no, if she felt uncomfortable. She would never force her to do anything she didn't want to. Slowly but surely Soweon cave in and started to be herself around her.

She had watched the older girl from afar and seen how she got along with the rest of the girls. Her eyes fell on Cheche who out of nowhere got closer to her too in a matter of a few weeks. The biggest thing that made each girl open up is seeing how their leader has become the happiest. Anytime they saw her she always seemed to be glowing and radiating happiness. She became extremely positive over time and encourages them even more now. Even when she was having a hard time or tough day she managed to keep a smile on her face. It's something new to them, normally she would be in a gloomy mood. Nothing was able to change her mood, not even when they would joke around or try to lift her mood. Yet, now everything changes so drastically. They also watched from afar how Leah always took care of her. When Bada was cold she either offered her hoodie or opened her arms to warm her up with her own body. When a bang or piece of hair seemed to be out of place Leah was quick to fix it. She would constantly buy coffee, energy drinks or water for her girlfriend. Most of the time she would deliver them herself but when she couldn't. She would have some drop it off with food. Both girls made sure to look after each other and take care of one another. They have become inseparable over a small amount of time.

Leah laughed as she spoke to someone else on the phone. She made sure to get his name and write him down on the schedule. She had open available on Thursday especially since she's teaching a class. She would rather evaluate him that day and also include him in her class. She wanted him to properly see how busy the dance studio has become over the past few months. Mostly having to do with her being in Street Woman Fighter 2. Her classes constantly got sold out in a matter of days. Something which has never happened before. Normally she would have half a group of people or two spots would still be available. Now fans and dancers were fighting to be part of her classes. She nodded her head ending the call, she made sure to save his number and sent him an email with more details and information about the studio. She's been part of the studio for years and even got the chance to meet the owner. He always praised her for her hard work and thanked her for helping his company grow even bigger. He would often get intouch with idols or other companies on having dancers collaborate with the girl. He could truly see her love and passion towards dancing. Her eyes glanced at her phone seeing a message from Ivy telling her they would start filming in five minutes. She closed her laptop, shoving it back into her bag.

Turning around to grab her phone she jumped at the sight of Bada leaning against the wooden table with her arms crossed over her chest. She held Leah's phone in her right hand as her head tilted to the side with a tight smile. "Who were you talking to?" The brunette girl let out a shaky breath, placing a hand over her chest. She hadn't seen or heard her girlfriend's footsteps as she walked in the room. She truly always caught her off guard and she hated it. Although she's a huge fan of scary movies it didn't mean she wanted to be part of one. She tossed her head back taking a deep breath in trying to calm her heart beat. "Bada, you know I love you and all but you gotta stop doing that. Ay, sentí que el niño que no tenía se me salía." {Oh, I felt like the child I don't have almost came out.} Leah took deep breaths in, as Bada chuckled, unsure of what she said. She grabbed her hands pulling her closer to her towards the wooden table. The handsome girl's hand moved to her girlfriend's waist as she slid her phone into her back pocket. Her right hand sliding into Leah's back pocket as her eyes intensely stared into her green blue eyes.

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