A meal

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                            Namjoon's POV

We were three hours into travel in the dark forest. Everything has been going fine till now. We haven't encountered any danger or traps.

Everyone was silent including Y/n. Small talks here and there but that's it. Talking casually would've helped ease the atmosphere but we're in the dark forest, I couldn't expect it and besides everyone is trying to stay low and quiet.

"What's wrong? You okay?" It was Yoongi, and he was looking at Y/n. He looked worried.
Everyone slowed down when they heard him.
I glanced at Y/n and oh my she looked pale and dazed.
It felt like something was wrong with her. Terribly wrong with her. Before I could open my mouth, she got down from the horse and started moving forward.
Jimin, who was beside me, immediately got down with worry followed by Yoongi.
Hoseok, who was in the front, tried to hold her arm but she pulled away and continued her strange behavior.
She kept walking forward while she mumbled Yoongi's name. I started to panic and it finally hit me. It was a trap.

"Guys, we can't let her go! Somebody get her before she disappears!" I yelled.
Hoseok and Yoongi who were right behind her tried to get hold of her but before they could lunge forward, she disappeared, leaving a dark fog.

"What the hell just happened??!" Jungkook screamed.
"Namjoon, where is she?!" Jimin shook me.
"Was it a trap of some sort??" Yoongi came forward with panic.
"Yes, I'm afraid so.." I blurted.

"Shit, what do we do now??" Jin said.

"I don't know what took her but it definitely was a trap. I honestly have no idea what to do right now."

"Oh my god!! Oh my god!" Jimin screamed as he paced back and forth with one of his hands lifted above.

"What's wrong??" Jin asked.
"I have never ever been happier to have a ring!" His eyes were wet and he was restless.
"Calm down hyung." Jungkook placed his hand on him.
"Talk to us."

"I gave Y/n the same ring on my finger this morning. I can track her though this!"

"Oh my god, thank god." Yoongi sighed.
I felt a huge sense of relief when I heard that, even if it may not work.

"Then what are we waiting for?? We need to freaking find her so let's go." Taehyung stated.


You tried to open your heavy eyes. Your mind is in a haze as you try to swift awake completely.
You start hearing unpleasant noises of silver rustling and the air was so humid. Your whole body is sweaty and when you try to move, you realize that your limbs are tied.
And when you open your eyes you were in a tiny cage.
What is going on?!?"
You started panicking as you tried to move and free yourself although you knew that it was impossible. But you had no choice as your eyes started tearing up and your heart was beating out of your chest. You could hear your heart pounding all the way to your head.

You stopped when you heard a laugh. An ugly laugh which sounded like an old woman.

"No use trying my dear, the ropes are made with magic." She laughed like she actually found it hilarious.

You felt chills run down your spine.
It was the ugliest thing you have ever seen in your life. Her face was old and dry with hundreds of pimples. She had big eyes and a nose too big for her face. You didn't expect witches to look this ugly. Maybe fairytales weren't really exaggerating. Because her face and her voice is enough to scare anyone.

You wanted to speak but it felt like your tongue was ripped off.
"Aren't you gonna try and beg for freedom my sweet child?" She asked as she chuckled.

Of course you wanted to but your mouth was shut. You wanted to scream and cry.

"Well, keep silent till I boil the soup to throw you in." She sneered.

Your heart dropped when you heard that. So this is how you're gonna die? Burn alive in a soup for a witch. This could not get any worse.

You tried searching the area.
There was no way of escape. Your hands were tied and you're in a cage. Maybe it's time to accept death. But the thought of being burnt alive made you shiver.

You sighed as you accepted defeat. Your body finally reacted to all the exhaustion and your eyes were feeling heavy.

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