Pizza Delivery

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Your head is literally on the verge of exploding. You've been trying to study for the past three hours and you feel exhausted.

"Y/n you look like you're gonna burst any
You turned around to the voice and saw Jimin. He looked like he was trying so hard not to laugh. You roll your eyes at him and look back at the stupid book in front of you.

"Why don't you take a break, it's been at least
three hours."

"I can't Jimin, I need to at least pass tomorrow's exam or else I'm gonna fail and I don't wanna fail." You give him a forced smile.

"Oh please taking a short break won't harm
you." He walked towards you.

"Come on y/n, take a break" he starts

"Okay fine, stop whining what are you? Five?"

He looks at you and rolls his eyes.
"Anyways Yoongi is coming over, let's have
some food and watch a movie or something."

"Okay fine." You give in because a break sounded wonderful.

Jimin moved into your apartment 5 months
ago. You weren't actually looking for a roommate but one day he just showed up out of nowhere and was desperate to room with you. You first found it odd because there could have been definitely more options for him but then you felt bad and just decided to let him stay with you. Jimin being your roommate changed a lot of things for you. He went to the same university as you so you guys started walking to the university together and eventually became friends. In fact, he was your only friend. You've been lonely all your life and it was nice to finally have someone beside you. He was there for you in your bad days and helped you as a friend. He is a wonderful friend of course and you're really grateful to have him in your life. Jimin also has a cute friend Yoongi who comes over sometimes. He doesn't go to the same university you and Jimin go to so you don't see Yoongi as often as Jimin. And you're obviously not as close to him as Jimin but you guys get along pretty well too.

"Y/nnn!" Jimin yells.

"What do you want??" you yell back.

"Go get the door, I think it's Yoongi."

"Why can't you get it yourself." You say as you get up and make your way to the door. You were comfortable on the couch!

You look through the peephole and saw
Yoongi just standing there.
"Open the door it's just me."

You open the door and let him in. He walks past you, plops himself on the couch, takes his phone out of his pocket and starts scrolling. Jimin walks over and sits beside Yoongi.

"Aww" You stare at Yoongi.


"Your cheeks look so cute today."

Jimin raises his eyebrows at that and looks at you with concern.

"What? Look at them. Don't tell me you don't feel like squishing them!"

Jimin just shakes his head and sighs.

"You scare me sometimes and I am not ever letting you touch my cheeks." Yoongi gave you a stern look.

You chuckled, his reactions never fails to amuse you.

You drop back on to the couch with them. "I know you'll come around one day."

You look back at jimin as a sigh leaves your lips. All that studying had definitely drained you.

"Hey could you order some pizza? I'm starving."

"I thought you were on a diet?" He asks in a
confused tone.

"No I'll start dieting tomorrow."

"You said that yesterday." he chuckles.
"Anyways, Yoongi is ordering some.
Let's watch a movie while we wait for it."


You were concentrating on the movie while Jimin and Yoongi got up to get some drinks from the kitchen.

"Hyung I have a bad feeling, something's wrong." Jimin looked at Yoongi with worry.

"What do you mean something's wrong?"

"I feel like something bad is gonna happen
but I don't know what it is."

It's already been a few minutes and you decided to check up on them. But before you could head to the kitchen, the doorbell rang. You looked through the peephole and it was a delivery guy.

"Food's here!" You shouted for Jimin and Yoongi to hear.

You opened the door to find a tall guy wearing black full sleeves, black jeans and a red shirt on top. He also had a black face mask on. He looked like a delivery guy but had no food with him. You were confused cause he was just standing there with nothing in his hold.

"Um hey, you're from the pizza place right?"

He just looks at you blankly and steps a bit
forward. This definitely doesn't feel right so you took a step back. It felt like he wasn't here to deliver the food so you were gonna slam the door on him but he was faster, he suddenly jumps on you with a napkin in his hand. He tried to cover the napkin on your mouth and nose. You tried getting away from his hold but he was bigger and you were trying to not breathe in on the napkin. You could hear
muffled footsteps but you were starting to lose consciousness.

"Y/N!!" You could hear Jimin.

Both of them came running and before the delivery guy could run away with you, Yoongi punched him, which resulted in you falling on to the ground. You felt weak as hell and then everything went black.

"What the hell!" was the last thing you heard before you blacked out.

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