" We do.." Liam says slowly, " Why what does it say?"

I throw him the scroll, " Moutain attacks."

He reads through it, his brow furrowed. " Maybe they'll say more about in Battle Brief." He rolls up the paper tucking it back onto the cart.

" Yea, maybe."

I only got maybe 10 steps before he decided to speak again, " So... you didn't start channeling did you?"

I shake my head, " Obviously you know my whole schedule. Are we in Signet class?"

" Look, you don't need to get all bitchy again, I said I'm sorry."

" And I said don't worry about it. Can you just walk faster so we can get this stupid job done and get to class?"

He mock salutes as we walk faster, dropping off the cart and heading towards Battle Brief. We get into the domed room finding a spot I sit, Liam sitting next to me making me sigh in annoyance. Liam spares a look at me looking straight again, I see Hetta and wave her over with Ridoc and Sawyer, they all come and sit, Hetta on the other side of me.

" Liam." She greets.

" Mouse." He grins making her eyes roll.

" Mouse?" I question.

" It's nothing-" Hetta begins but Liam intterupts her, " Me and Xaden always called her mouse because she was so quiet all the time." He now grins. " Right mousey?"

" Your not funny Liam.." She mutters, her voice quieting..just like a little mouse.He simply laughs looking straight again. I see Xaden walk in, he eyes us purposely walking where we were sitting to get to his spot.

" How's the first day?' He asks Liam..not me, not even sparing me a look.

" Take him back." I spit.

" Better then I expected." Liam grins sounding lighthearted not missing a beat with my comment. I swore I saw the corners of Xaden's lips curl up for just a second as he looks at Liam, then looking at me with his stern expression. " I thought I told you to behave."

" And I thought I told you I didn't need a bodyguard." I snap back.

" I don't give a damn what you say."

" Just like I don't give a damn to listen to you." I smile.

He glares turning his body to face me fully, " Do we need to go over why you need Mairi?"

" Because Amber put a sleep spell on me..one time.. And look where she is.. floating around in the air somewhere.."

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