Tjurkurrpa: Ungud

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Goddess of Heroes, the Stars & Constellations

Daughter of Barraiya & Barnumbirr

(LifePurview) Goddess of Heroes: Heroism: Ungud is the Goddess & the Embodiment of Heroes. As the Goddess & the Embodiment with the Purview of Heroes, Ungud has heroiscience, heroipotence, can create, shape, manipulate, inspire, and transform others into superheroes.

(Star Purview) Goddess of the Stars: Asterokinesis: Ungud is the Goddess & the Embodiment of the Stars. As the Goddess & the Embodiment with the Purview of the Stars, Ungud has asteroscience, asteropotence & can manipulate stars, self-luminous celestial bodies consisting of superheated gas held together by their gravity in which the outflow of energy balances the energy generated by nuclear reactions in the interior to the surface, and the inward-directed gravitational forces are balanced by the outward-directed gas and radiation pressures.

(Star Purview) Goddess of Constellations: Zodiakinesis: Ungud is the Goddess & the Embodiment of Constellations. As the Goddess & the Embodiment with the Purview of Constellations, Ungud has zodiascience, zodiapotence, can create, shape & can manipulate constellations, asterisms and zodiac signs, which are all patterns in outer space that are seen at night and usually resemble mythological entities.

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