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Skyland: Realm of the Gods, it's where the gods of different pantheons live, each pantheon has its own section of the skyland to call home.


Underworld: Realm of the dead, it's where the dead go when they die & different underworlds are ruled by thier version of the God or Goddess of the Underworld, each underworld has it's own heaven, hell & limbo where the dead are sent after being judge.


Purview: Deities have a command over a certain domain, also called a Purview, meaning they are able to command certain concepts that range from elements, energies, universal forces, or aspects of sentient life (such as War, Wisdom, Law, etc).


Boon: A Boon is a blessing from the Deities that grants them powers based on the deity purview


Void: Created by Tehom, The Realm of the Faded. It's the home to Faded Deities, Angelic Beings & Demonic Beings when they die


Heaven: Created of Yesh, The Realm of Paradise, It's the home of the Angelic Beings. It's also where the Righteous Dead god when they die


Hell: Created by AyinL The Realm of Damnation, It's the home to the Demonic Beings. It's also where the Wicked Dead go when they die


Grim Reapers: A Grim Reaper is a spirit of death, who serves to gently sever the last ties between the soul and the body, and to guide the deceased to the afterlife, without having any control over when or how the victim dies. Each Pantheon have their own version of Grim Reapers to guide a dead soul to their underworld when the time comes. Their leader is usually a deity who hold the Purview of Death.


Signature Divinity: Is a type of Divinity that only a certain pantheon owns.


Virtues: Each pantheon possesses four virtues that represent each pantheon.


Sacred Emperors: a Sacred Emperor is usually a Primordial, Titan or a Major God that holds the Purview of the Sky, the Purview of the Earth, the Purview of the Sea, the Purview of the Ocean, the Purview of the Heavens, the Purview of the Universe & the Purview of the Underworld.


Fading: Fading is the process of gradually being forgotten by humanity and is the only way that immortal beings, such as gods & monsters, can truly die. when they die they go to the void & sleep or all eternity.


Pantheon Planet: with the rise Christianity, each pantheon left the earth and went to a empty plant to call home for their people to live and worship without the interference of the Abrahamic Pantheon.


Adamantine: a type of sacred metal used by different types of pantheons on earth

Heavenly Gold: a type of sacred metal used by the deities of the Sky

Thalassic Gold: a type of sacred metal used by the deities of the Sea/Ocean

Chthonic Gold: a type of sacred metal used by the deities of the Underworld

Earthly Gold: a type of sacred metal used by the deities of the Earth

Celestial Gold: a type of sacred metal used by the deities of the Heavens

Universal Gold: a type of sacred metal used by the deities of the Universe

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