Chapter 20 : One Moment In Time

Start from the beginning

I staggered back into the house, the guys following closely behind me, dragging the two intruders. I was still trying to figure out who they were. I didn’t recognise the other man, just the one that had attacked me. He seemed so familiar. Thinking back to his facial features, he didn’t look at all dangerous. He looked as if he was out of place, he didn’t belong in a gang environment, but he could fight well. He had soft brown eyes, and well defined cheek bones, much like Ross. It continued to bug me, as we waiting for them to wake up. They were tied to the bedposts, and gagged. We didn’t want Ross’ mother to hear anything.

“Ross?” I shouted for him. Billy and Jake were asleep, lying on the floor; crashed out beside each other. Ross and I were to observe the boys, and make sure they didn’t try anything funny. It had been an hour and they still hadn’t woken up.

“Yeah?” He answered.

“What about you’re Mum? I mean, we can’t let her stay here. Tonight proves how dangerous it is, and this is just the beginning. It’s gunna get a whole lot worse. We can’t protect her and ourselves,” I told him seriously. I didn’t want anyone else to get hurt, especially not Ross’ mother, she had been so kind to me.

“I dunno. She won’t go anywhere without those horses of hers. I could say we could send her to my brothers, but it’s not safe there either. Not when they become part of it. There is a ranch, which my aunt and uncle own, I guess I could tell her to go there,” Ross told me, and I could see a twinkle in his eyes as he mentioned the ranch, and his aunt and uncle.

“Tell me about them.” I told him, and he nodded.

“They’re great. My uncle owns a huge company, but he doesn’t have to put much work in though. He just stays at home all the time. My aunts a teacher at the local primary school. She’s great with kids, got so much patience she has. They’ve got an adopted kid called Lucas. He’s fifteen. He didn’t have a good start to life, but he’s better now. Now he’s with my aunt and uncle. My aunt can’t have kids, so she decided to adopt. She’s such a strong woman Paige, after all she’s been through. Her names Marie, and my uncle’s name is Dave. He’s a bit of a rough man himself, he used to be in a gang in his younger days but I think he’s the only one of our family that has actually grown up and settled down. He didn’t suit the gang life, wasn’t an all too good fighter, more of a nuisance than a help. If you ask him that though, he’ll just deny it. They life out of Cal a bit though, in a ranch in the middle of nowhere. It’s great up there, so many places to explore. I remember going up there with my Dad and Mum, exploring for hours on end and going to long hacks around the countryside. The most amazing thing though; was the wild horses. Very rarely would you see them, but when you did; it was magnificent. There are hundreds of mustangs up in the hills, roaming around. My uncle catches one, every now and again; and brings it back to train it. He takes the stallions off the hills too. Too many of them, and they start fighting. We used to go up there all the time, before Blake buggered off,” I could sense the sadness in his voice. And for some reason, I felt my eyes water up.

I shuffled across the bed, and wrapped my arms around Ross’ waist, and he hugged me back. I buried my head in his shoulder. And that’s when I realised; Ross wasn’t just an ass hole, he actually had feelings, and he was pretty sweet. I was pretty furious with him after he abused my brother with the baseball bat, but then again; all he was doing was protecting me, and Billy. I was also surprised he had stayed this long; any other boy would have run by now. Scared to death, or they just didn’t want to handle what was coming next, but at the moment he was still here by my side. And from that moment on, I knew; I was falling for him.

Ross’ POV

I was getting more comfortable with sharing things with Paige. She was so easy to share to, and she never seemed to judge me. I felt a bit like a whimp, telling her about my aunt and uncle, but I thought that maybe; she could learn to trust me more if I opened up to her. I could tell she still wasn’t sure about me, and her feelings towards me. I just wanted her to know that she could trust me. God- I sound like such a girl.

As Paige and I waited for the two intruders to wake up, I took the opertunity to think things through, work out what was actually happening, and what to do about it. To be honest, there wasn’t really much we could do. Apart from get in contact with my brother, and see if he had any smart ideas, otherwise we were all dead. I kept thinking about that, I really didn’t want to die. I had pushed it all down, up until now. I had managed to forget about it all, and concentrate on other things. I had been left alone, until now.

I was mostly concerned about two people; my mother and Paige. I hadn’t thought much into my own death, and nor did I want to. I was worried about my mum though. She had gone through so much already, so much pain and stress. Could I really pile this on top of her too? I know she’d be worried sick about all of us, even Blake; no matter how many times she cursed his name. I knew deep down she still loved him, even after all his sins. I didn’t want my mother to be dragged down with us, she had nothing to do with what was happening, and I wanted it to stay that way.

Suddenly, Billy and Jake woke up, sitting up on the floor where they had been sleeping, as they rubbed their eyes, Paige spoke.

“So what’s the actual plan?” She asked hushed.

 I raised an eyebrow at her, and she smacked her hand over her mouth, and I rolled my eyes. Trust her to ask a question like that when the enemy was in the room. I sat off the bed, and walked out of the door, motioning for the others to come with me. I could tell Paige was a bit unsure leaving the two boys alone, but they couldn’t get anywhere anyway, they were tied pretty tightly.

We all piled into the living room, and sat down on the leather couch. Just as Paige sat down beside me, I grabbed her waist and sat her down on my lap. I could feel Jake glaring at me from the far side of the room, but I ignored him.

“The plan is to get in contact with my brother, and see if he will help. I’ll have to send my mother away somewhere. Somewhere where no one will find her, and any other important person. My Dad always said that if you couldn’t hurt someone physically, then you hurt them mentally,” I shuddered. I remember how cruel my Dad could be. The amount of people he hurt, and killed just to get to others. It was a technique of his.

I could feel Paige freeze on my knee. I guess that was a pretty stupid thing to stay, as her father had been killed. I suddenly felt like a dick. I wrapped my arms around her waist, and gave her a hug. She instantly relaxed which made me feel a ton better.

“We can’t fight them here,” Jake stated, and I raised my eyebrow at him. I can’t see why not? “You’re Dad used to live here, didn’t he? I nodded unsurely, not quite grabbing at what he was trying to say.

“Well he knows this area too much. If we moved to somewhere different, and we memorised that place, we would have the upper hand. I mean, we need every advantage we can get, if we know a place much better than he does, then it would be a bit easier for us,” He told us, as we listened to what we had to say, and I agreed.

“Definitely. I was speaking to Paige about my aunt and uncle, who live just outside Cally, with a ranch and everything. I was thinking about sending my mother there. She wouldn’t go anywhere without her horses, and my aunts always got about a hundred spare stables,” I told them, chuckling. Everyone else agreed, and there was no objects, not until dipshit 1 and dipshit 2 started thrashing about in the bedroom. We all jumped off the couch, with smirks on our faces, as we made our way to the room; to get some much needed answers.


A/N : Another chapter, whoo! : )

Chapter Song : One Moment in Time – Whitney Houston 

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