Chapter 1: The Party

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Halloween in Elmore.

Gumball, Darwin and Anais went trick-or-treating. Darwin was very nervous because he was terrified of Halloween. Accordingly, he wasn't wearing a costume. Anais on the other hand had a costume. She wore a pink, cute princess dress and a bit of make up.Gumball had a skeleton costume and was the only one of the three siblings to be dressed in a scary way.

Nicole had left gumball in charge. Gumball had an exciting plan for this year's Halloween. He had heard from Carrie that on Halloween night all the ghosts and spirits were coming to an old, abandoned Graveyard house to throw a huge, and most likely very epic party. But the feline didn't tell his siblings anything about it at first and took them to the graveyard where the house was located.

"Taking a shortcut through a graveyard on Halloween is like wearing a kilt in a hurricane. It's just a bad idea!" Darwin whimpered worriedly.

"Relax. We're here." Gumball said as they stopped in front of a big, creepy Graveyard house.

Gumball looked proudly at the house, while Anais and Darwin were rather shocked and gasped as they saw the big building.

"You know, there's a few places where I wouldn't recommend asking for free candy. Rat-Poison factories, abandoned hospitals, dimly-lit cellars, but top of the list.... creepy graveyard houses." Anais said, in a sarcastic but also nervous sounding tone.

"We are not here for trick-or-treating." Gumball said.

"Then why are we here?!" Darwin asked with pure fright in his voice.

Suddenly a loud bang sound appeared behind them. Darwin and Anais were very frightened, and when the three siblings turned around, they saw Carrie, their ghostly friend, a few feet away from them.

"Because on Halloween night, the dark veil that separates the world of the living and the underworld is lifted, and all the spirits come to this desolate house for one-" She talked, before getting interrupted by Gumball.

"Carrie! Carrie!! We're over here!" Gumball said. Carrie turned around and, with another loud bang, teleported herself directly in front of the three siblings. Now she looked a little annoyed, but still tried to finish her explanation.

"Cause on Halloween night, blah, blah, blah, all the spirits come to this desolate house for one reason only!" she explained.

She took a small inhale, preparing to start a new sentence before being quickly interrupted by Gumball."To party!!" he shouted excitedly.

"Uh, how about we party right here, just the four of us?" Darwin said nervously and started doing a little dance. "Whoo-hoo! - Party, party, party, party." Suddenly his voice switched to a more annoyed tone. "Okay, party is over. Let's go home."

He started walking towards the big garden door before Gumball screamed at him. "Darwin!! We've come too far to turn back! We're on the doorstep of the swaggiest party of all time! So, come on, what do you say?! You with me??"

Darwin took a deep inhale before his voice switched to an annoyed tone. "No." He said.

"Well, you have to 'cause mom put ME in charge." Gumball said in a sadistic way.

"DARN!" Darwin yelled.

Suddenly Anais interrupted the two. "This party is gonna be awesome!" She said excitedly.

"I'm sorry, but this party isn't for babies disguised as cheesecakes." Carrie anwered.

Gumball had a sadistic smile on his face. "Yeah, she's right. You'd be cramping our style." He said in his usual sarcastic and selfish way.

The cat picked up his sister and tied her dress to a branch of a large, old tree. "You're just gonna have to hang out here."

Anais sighed and accepted her fate. "Well, at least it can't get any worse." Immediately after these words were spoken, it started to rain heavily and lightning strikes hit the ground.

Gumball and Darwin walked with Carrie to the entrance of the large, creepy building. As they opened the door, Carrie whispered to them that they were not allowed to tell anyone that they were alive. She tried to give them more detailed information, but each time she whispered too quietly. After the third attempt, Darwin became angry and yelled at her.

"Just tell us already!! Why are we whispering in an empty house?!!?"

Carrie rolled her eyes and put out a small glass bottle, with a green, glowing liquid inside. "Just drink some of this potion, and you'll see. It'll make you part ghost. But no more than a drop, understand?"

Gumball immediately took the bottle and was about to open it before Darwin quickly interrupted him. "What are you doing? You're too young to be drinking mysterious potions!"

"Oh, don't be a square. What's the worst that can happen?" Gumball replied and opened the bottle. Thick, green smoke, which had the shape of a evil smiling face, came out of the bottle and an eerie breath could be heard from it.

"Umm.. Are you sure we are gonna be okay?" Gumball's voice suddenly sounded more worried as he looked at Carrie with a raised eyebrow.

"As long as you only have ONE drop." Carrie replied with a serious expression.

Darwin started shouting again. "See? That's the thing! Anything you can only have one drop of, CAN'T be good! They don't sell milk by the drop, do they? They sell it by the gallon! Look at water. That's good for you, which is why it comes out of the FAUCET!-" Suddenly gumball drips a small drop of the potion into Darwin's mouth. Darwin's eyes widened and he suddenly just stood there, motionless and in pure shock. Gumball didn't even notice and when he took another closer look at the drink he considered not drinking it.

"I think I might give this potion a miss." He said, before darwin took the bottle and dripped a small drop into gumballs mouth too. "I'm not going through this alone." He said nervously.

As soon as the drop entered Gumballs mouth, his eyes widened as well and he let out a loud squeak. 

They were now able to see ghosts. A hectic, crazy party appeared in the large, empty space in front of them. All sorts of creatures and spirits that were usually invisible to them, now stood before their eyes. Some were dancing, some others were just chatting or even flirting with each other. All sorts of creepy creatures were slithering around the room and loud party music was playing.

"Awesome..!!" The two said.

The two siblings went inside. Carrie was already floating forward and started talking to other ghosts and monsters. Gumball and Darwin went their own way and looked around curiously. A spot on the dance floor became available, and Gumball immediately ran over and showed off some of his dance moves. Gumball's movements weren't particularly elegant or deft. Darwin was still a bit scared and watched from a safe distance, trying to keep his distance from the monsters and ghosts. Gumball closed his eyes during his hectic dance, what forced him to ran straight into a pillar, causing him to fall on the floor. Meanwhile, Darwin was surrounded by a few ghosts who tried to talk to him. He was visibly nervous, but tried to deny it. "Oh god, I can't lose sight of gumball!" He thought to himself and looked around but couldn't see the feline anywhere.

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