Chapter 10 - Ador-able

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I parked my motorcycle in front of the imposing HYBE Entertainment building, the chosen label of my sister, Hyun-Ae. The sheer magnitude of this opportunity left me in awe. How had she managed to secure such a significant deal? Oh, right – I almost forgot, she's dating a member of Enhypen.

As I pondered this, a familiar voice broke through my thoughts. "Y/N-Ah! Over here!" Sunghoon called out, enthusiastically waving his arms to catch my attention.

Upon spotting him, a genuine smile lit up my face. Sunghoon wasted no time closing the distance, running towards me with his characteristic energy. In a swift motion, he inhaled and enveloped me in a warm hug, reciprocated by my own embrace.

"Okay, hear me out," he began, maintaining the excitement in his tone. "I gave the boss the idea to sign you guys. Hyun-Ae noona was on the lookout for a new label for you, and I suggested she consider us."

"Thanks, Sunghoon. I'm guessing my presence here means the boss wants to have a chat with the leader?" I inquired, trying to piece together the puzzle. In response, Sunghoon flashed me a quick set of finger guns and made a clicking sound with his tongue, confirming that I had indeed hit the nail on the head.

We went and got on the elevator, and we heard shouting from the hallway "WAITTT!!!" causing sunghoon to hold the doors open. I pressed the open button and looked at sunghoon with a straight face "Bruh".

"I'm excited come on" he argues.

"Thank you," the girl pressed her hands together and bowed her head profusely before squeezing into the elevator. A flicker of recognition crossed my mind – she was with Danielle in the video call. As the doors began to close, she looked up at me, and her cute expression caught my attention.

"WAIT! You're Danielle's boyfriend!" she gasped.

"Childhood friend," I clarified with a smile. "I remember you from the video call. Your name is?"

"Hanni Pham!" she announced, raising her hand and extending it towards me. I took her hand, offering a friendly shake. "Nice to meet you, kiddo," I said with a smile.

"I'm an '04," she added.

"Yep, you're a kiddo," I teased good-naturedly.

She returned the banter, "Well, how about you, oppa?"

"I'm an '02. Me and my sisters are all '02; we're triplets. My little brother is an '04."

"Wahhh, you're a triplet! That's awesome, oppa. Dani never mentioned that," Hanni exclaimed with genuine excitement.

"Oppa, did you know Y/N hangs out with G-IDLE? Like, we saw them in the video call," Hanni turned to Sunghoo, who just raised an eyebrow. "You're only finding out now? They've been spotted all around recently."

"I did not know that! How come I didn't read about that?" Hanni expressed her surprise.

"Neither did I," I added, causing both of them to look at me in confusion. "I wasn't aware we've been photographed in public; the only picture I've seen is the one with me and Soojin."

"Yeah, I saw that. Like, are you actually dating Soojin?"

"Oh my gosh, Y/N oppa, you're cheating on Dani!?" she feigned surprise. "Dani and I aren't dating, and as for Soojin, not yet," I explained to them with a chuckle.

Oh, aight, wait—" DING The elevator doors opened, unveiling the HYBE Entertainment floor. The conversation momentarily paused as we exited the elevator. "Well, let's head to Mr. Park's office," I swiftly redirected the conversation, taking the lead. Without missing a beat, Hanni and Sunghoon followed suit. However, Hanni suddenly paused, realizing, "Oh, I need to get to practice. I'll tell Danielle that you're here." With a laugh, she dashed towards her practice room. We observed her mistakenly enter the wrong room, only to quickly realize her error a few seconds later and rush to the correct one. Sunghoon and I burst into laughter.

Entering the CEO's main office, we were greeted by Park Jiwon, the CEO of HYBE. I respectfully bowed my head and introduced myself. "Good morning, sir. I'm Y/N, the lead guitarist and lead vocalist of our band, consisting of my siblings and me." He smiled warmly and stood up, walking over to me. "I've been following your music for a long time, and I've eagerly awaited the opportunity to sign you with us. Please, take a seat." We shook hands, and I settled in front of him.

"So, I have an offer here. You can sign with us, and after five months, we'll arrange preparations for a debut straight away. Your music is uniquely yours, and I love it. I want to showcase it to a wider audience," he presented.

"Will my siblings and I stay together in the band?" I inquired. "I believe that your music will only flourish if you and your siblings are all together. We don't usually sign siblings due to potential comparisons, but since you all play different instruments, comparisons won't be as likely. I want to debut your band with one of our subsidiaries, ADOR. They work well with unique concept groups, and yours is certainly uniquely beautiful." I listened closely to his explanation, and he slid a contract toward me. "Take it with you. I want the whole consensus of your band. Think it through."

"Sounds like quite the offer, sir—"

"Please, just call me Jiwon."

"Jiwon, my siblings and I have been waiting to debut for years now. I hope this will be the opportunity that introduces us to the public," I said as I read through the contract. "I'll take this home to discuss it with my siblings."

Park Jiwon thought for a moment before smiling. "Do you have a name for your band other than just 'The Siblings'? A colorful band like yours needs a more ear-catching name."

I pondered his suggestion, realizing the importance of a compelling band name. As I sat there, reading through the contract, I finally thought of a name for our band. "Chroma," I answered.

"Chroma it is. I hope you seriously consider our offer, Y/N." after saying our goodbyes and bowed We exited the CEO's office and walked for a bit, before I was grabbed from behind and someone jumped unto my back.

"Y/N! I missed you so much!!!" she yells out "Guess who?~"

"Dani no one screams like that other than you, and you don't ask Guess who after screaming you miss someone" I laughed "It takes away the surprise". the little lady perched up on my back like a jockey is my childhood friend, Danielle marsh.

She drops down from my back and I turned around, and she lunges to embrace me. "I missed you so much" she repeats herself. "How did the meeting go are you going to sign with HYBE?" She asks.

"I plan to" I chuckled "I have to ask the twins and omega first, They plan to put us in a sub called ADOR". Danielle's eyes widened when i told her that "Wait we're in ADOR! you wanna go to our practice room so you can meet the girls?" she offers but before i can answer she begins pulling me with her i guess No isn't the answer. 

"Well you two have fun" Sunghoon smiled "I need to get back to the other i was out way too long and by way too long i mean i missed half of the practice" He began running back to the elevator and waved us goodbye.

I went with danielle, we entered a practice room and there were 4 girls in the room including hanni, all of them i recognized from the video call i had with danielle the other day. "I'm back everyone and I have someone with me" Danielle calls out catching the other girls attentions. Oh boy this is going to be a ride.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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