Chapter 3 - Citrus Honey and alcohol part 1

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We made a quick stop at the convenience store along the way. My siblings and I didn't bother with masks or disguises; after all, we hadn't officially debuted and had yet to build a significant fanbase. Little did I know that a substantial portion of our channel's music views came from South Korea and Japan. As Yuqi and I browsed through the array of drinks, contemplating our choices, I suddenly heard a yelp from beside her.

Turning my gaze in her direction, I spotted a guy attempting to hit on her. It was evident from her posture and expression that she was feeling tense and uncomfortable, her discomfort palpable even from a distance.

Reacting swiftly, I rose from my crouch and positioned myself beside Yuqi. Leaning slightly towards the intruder, I adopted an intimidating demeanor, helped along by my imposing 6'0 Irish frame. Not to boast, but I had to admit that I was quite proud of my height. My natural ginger hair didn't hurt in adding to the overall effect.

I addressed the man with a steely tone, "Is there a problem, sir?" My words left no room for misinterpretation.

"back off, I'm trying to talk to her" the man tried to look confident, but my sharp stare pierced him directly through the heart.

"Talk to my girlfriend?" I inquired, my tone tinged with a note of incredulity, a hint of amusement dancing in my eyes. The unexpected claim caused Yuqi to blush a deep shade of crimson.

The guy, now confronted with "revelation" that he had overstepped his boundaries which he technically already did when he kept pushing Yuqi to talk to him, began to backtrack. He stammered, his confidence crumbling under the weight of my firm presence and the unexpected revelation.

"Oh, I didn't know... I mean, I didn't realize... Sorry, man," he mumbled, taking a few hurried steps away from us.

Yuqi moved closer and gently took my hand in hers, her eyes filled with gratitude. "Thanks, Y/N," she said, her voice soft and appreciative. Her instinct led her to wrap me in a warm hug, a gesture that conveyed her feelings more effectively than words ever could. though Her words, however, left me slightly flustered. "Well, let's gather what we came for and head back to the others, my protective 'boyfriend,'" she quipped, a playful chuckle escaping her lips.

I quickly regained my composure and began grabbing some of my favorite soda brands, placing them carefully into the bag. Yuqi, on the other hand, selected a few bags of chips. With our items collected, we rejoined the others. As I glanced around, it became evident that the girls from G-IDLE were all focused on one thing. My curiosity piqued, I followed their collective gaze down to where our interlocked hands were resting.

There, I found them staring at Yuqi's and my hands, which had naturally found their way to each other.

"Ummm, I could explain..." I attempted to divert the conversation, but before I could, Yuqi enthusiastically blurted out, "Didn't you hear? He's my boyfriend now."

I shot her an exasperated glance, whispering under my breath, "Not helping!"

Following that, after our little encounter, we continued on our way, eventually arriving at the front of our mother's childhood home, which had been generously passed down to us when we, the siblings, relocated to Korea. It's still funny how we never really set foot in korea until we moved here, we mostly galavant between Ireland and australia.

As we chatted about Australia, my phone began to ring in my pocket. I pulled it out and answered with a simple "Hello?"

The voice on the other end was immediately familiar. "Y/N, how's training going for you guys?"

I couldn't help but grin as I recognized the voice. "Dani? What the hell happened? Since when did you get a new number?"

Danielle, a trainee from HYBE and a friend since practically infancy—well, as much as you can be when there's a three-year age gap—explained, "Oh, I got a new phone."

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