

Not enough power behind it.



Kinda, almost but too slow.



Forgot to turn. 



What even was that?.


“Ok. DragoNova!!!”


That was the worst attempt so far. It didn't even get anywhere.

“WHAT THE FUCK!!!” you threw your sword in frustration.

You didn't care where it went, you just threw it as far as you can, which is pretty damn far.

But at the moment, you don't care.

“What I'm I doing wrong??”

Worst thing is, you can't even go and ask anyone else about it because you're probably stronger than them anyways and besides, who else uses Star Breathing.

“This shit is so fuckin' annoying!!” You walked to your porch and sat down aggressively.

Moments later you heard a noise in the woods. Coming from the direction in which you threw your sword.

‘did I hit someone?’ You thought.

“Shit!” You got up and launched towards the woods with no shoes on. You sprang from tree to tree in blinding speed as the cries got louder and louder as you got closer.

Finally you made the final jump while in the air you saw a horrifying sight…

“Uh? Kids? Why're they here?”

Two of them to be exact. One of them was crying because the sword you threw had pinned his clothes to the tree, barely scraping by his skin luckily. While the other tries to remove the sword out of the tree, to no avail.

You realized, due to your frustration, you basically almost killed a child.

You landed hard on the ground, catching the two kids' attention as they looked at you wide eyed. The crying boy on the tree stopped.

“Hey, what's your name?” you asked, looking down at them.

“No,! M- mommy said we shouldn't talk to strangers.”

“Where are your parents anyways?” You asked again.

“Not telling you!!” The little girl said.

“I see.” You walked up to them and took your sword out the tree. With ease. You see a little bit of blood on the top of the sword.

“You're hurt boy, you wanna come with me so I can treat it?”

“...” he looked at the girl, clearly still scared of you. But he said nothing which was confusing.

“No, my brother’s not going anywhere with you.” The girl said.

She must be the big sis' you thought.

“Fine then, just so you know. Dangerous creatures come into the woods at sundown and the only house around here is me, you'll be dead before you make it to the next house.” You said, a little harsh to tell a kid but they're not here by coincidence.

Surely, they must've gone through something. But you warned them and if they don't listen it's up to them.

“See ya” you turned around.

“Hey! Sir!”


You turned around to see the older girl crying.

“Please…please help us!”

You smiled.

“Of course!!”

* * * * * *

After treating the boy's wounds, he went straight to sleep, the little girl, who's name was Sana, explained to me their story.

“Our parents got killed by these weird looking monsters. Somehow we managed to get away and we've been walking ever since, not like we have anywhere to go anyways. It's just… it's just…Naoya is only four and can't even speak, I just want him to be protected…”she cried. “I'll be fine with whatever happens to me. I just want him to be okay”

‘you’re 8 also. You need to be looked after too.' you thought.

“Any family out of your parents?”

“No. No, not that I know of” she said.

“Well, if you want, you and your baby brother can stay here with me.”

“Wait, you live here? Alone!?” She asked, as she looked around in awe.

“Did you not see my name, outside?” I asked.

“How!? You built this?”

“No it was given to me”

“Why di-?”

“Look child, are you gonna stay here or not? “ You asked, the questions were getting annoying.

Kids are so annoying.

“Y-yes! Yes,we will! I'll pay you back, L/N-Sama, I promise!!” her enthusiasm brought a smile to your face.

‘Oh so my name deserves honorifics now huh', cheeky little brat’

You showed their rooms and that was it for that day. Today you made unexpected new companions.

* * * * * *

A/N: yo.

A Second Chance(Demon Slayer x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now