In the Butterfly Mansion

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Five days later

It's been a few days since you got to Shinobu's "House". This is no house, It's literally called the butterfly mansion, this place is so freaking big that it puts your house to shame.

Not that you're jealous or anything.

You still loved the small house that Lady Tamayo, Yushiro and you lived in and you wouldn't have it any other way. You loved the peace you had with Lady Tamayo and wouldn't want it destroyed.

Speaking of lady tamayo, your original plan was to rest at the butterfly mansion for a few days and then make your way to a train station, taking the nearest way to tokyo but....

Yea....You're scratching the plan.

You have decided to stay here and make it the base of your operations and then get missions from here. Not to mention, when you get injured, you have the best treatment available here, you can get adequate training here to get stronger.

Lastly, you have taken quite a liking to the leader of this mansion.

The woman who approved your stay here, Shinobu's beautiful older sister and to top it off, she's a hashira and one of the seven people that hold that position. Someone at the position you strive to be in. The flower hashira, Kanae Kocho.

The woman that's sitting right across from you at the breakfast table, right now.

"Y/N-Kun? Don't you like the food?" Kanae asked, with a worried look

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"Y/N-Kun? Don't you like the food?" Kanae asked, with a worried look.

She snapped you back into reality as you realized, you've been staring at her the whole time, like a creep.

'Shit!' You thought.

"Oh that's not a problem, I was just deep in thought" You smiled.

"Hmm, Are you sure?" She asked, smiling.

"O- *ough* of course" You replied. "But, If you don't mind. Ms. Kocho... can I ask a question?" You said.

"Go ahead, Y/N-Kun" she said.

"Why have you taken me in? You literally have no reason to help me." You asked.

She put her fingers up to her head and scrunched her brows as if to pretend she's thinking really hard. But then suddenly, bursts out a smile as if a light bulb went off in her head.

"Ah! Ah!, I have the answers Y/N-Kun!!" she says as excitedly as she could. "Maybe it's because... you're the first boy our shinobu here's taken a liking to!" She smiles.

"BIG SIS!!! I DO NOT LIKE HIM! STOP SAYING THAT!!" Shinobu, who had been silent eating her food through this whole interaction finally bursts out.

"Ara~ Ara~ young love is so cute!! You're making me jealous!!!~~" Kanae teased as she slithers away.

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