CHAPTER 11 | Supper and the Passing of a King

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The same day, the evening have come that Viserys had called his family for feast.
Ysaera, sat beside Daemon with a smile as Aerus has been telling her about the wonderful discovery he had made before Dragonstone and his important project with Lucerys at Driftmark have been nothing more but grace to Ysaera.

Suddenly, the large doors opened and demanding attention to Viserys; who entered the dining hall with support in a carried chair.

They stood immediately from their own seats and a smile crept on Ysaera's lips as she saw Viserys. By then, Viserys was sat between Rhaenyra and Alicent.

"How good it is," Viserys spoke with a weak voice. "to see all of you tonight." he says. "together." he glanced through the room and finding Rhaenyra's gaze.

"Pray before we begin?" Alicent asked; as she took Viserys hand and began the prayer.

"This is an occasion for celebration, it seems." Viserys says as soon as Alicent was finished with the prayer.
"My grandsons, Jace and Luke, will marry their cousin's Baela and Rhaena. Further strengthening the bond between our houses." he then looked at Ysaera and to Aerus.
"and of course, my nephew, Aerus. He will marry a beautiful and graceful woman from the north, soon." he added.

Aerus nodded to Viserys with a smile.

"A toast, to the young princesses." Viserys weakly added. "And to their bethrothed." Daemon added and raised his cup along others.

"Let us toast aswell, Prince Lucerys. The future Lord of the Tides."

"Hear, hear."

Saeya looked further the table and only to find Aemon; staring at Lucerys across him. On the other hand, Aegon was having a small gossip that heats Jace's demeanor. While Viserys stood from his seat; weakly gripping his cane.
"It gladdens my heart and fills me with sorrow," Viserys admits.
"To see these faces around the table. The faces most desr to me in all the world, yet grown so distant from one another in the years past."
Not long enough, he took his golden mask off; showing what'd hidden beneath.

A shock was seen upon Rhaenyra's eyes as Ysaera had looked down and felt a pang in her chest. Daemon beside her; held her hands as she took a deep breath in.

"My own face, is no longer a handsome one." Viserys once again spoke.
"If indeed it ever was. But tonight, I wish you to see me.. as I am." he adds.
"Not just a King, but your father, your brother." he looked at Ysaera and Daemon.
"Your husband, your grandsire. Who may not, it seems.. walk for much longer among you."

"Let us no longer hold ill feelings in our heats. The crown cannot stand strong if the House of the Dragon remains divided. But set asideyour grievances."

Only them, the dragons of House Targaryen can tear itself apart.

Silence doomed the room once more as then Rhaenyra stood from her seat; raising her cup.
"I wish to raise my cup, to her grace, the Queen." she says.
"I love my father. But I must admit, that no one stood more loyally by his side than his good wife. For that she has my gratitude."
"and my apology." she adds.

"your graciousness moves me deeply, princess." Alicent spoke as she stood."we are all mothers and we love our children, we are more in common than we sometimes allow. I raise my cup to you and to your house." Alicent then turned to Ysaera.
"And I raise my cup, to the King's sister, Princess Ysaera. Mayhaps we had misunderstandings on our past, but we are grown women; who does what we can to keep our beloved protected. I raise my cup to you and to your house. You will make a fine Queen."

Exchange of smiles were exchanged between them all. The feast had began in a way that Viserys had hoped and wanted.

Peace and Harmony.

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