CHAPTER 8 | What Might Be A Threat?

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       "Just a little more, Rhaenyra." said Ysaera. Rhaenyra breathed in relief. "A boy, Princess!"

Ten years have passed since the Royal Wedding happened. Laenor and Rhaenyra had another child today, and it's a boy, the midwives claims.

"Praise the mother!"

The baby cried as he was handed to Rhaenyra, Ysaera watched in awe. "Healthy?" Ysaera asked.

"Kicking like a goat, princess." said the midwife.

The gigantic doors have opened and a servant entered. "Princess, the queen has requested the child to be brought to her. Immediately."

Ysaera looked at the servant with a frown."Rhaenyra had just given birth, she has to be in bed. The baby has just gone out and she wants to be taken to her?" she said in disbelief.

The servant remained quiet. "I'll take him myself." said Rhaenyra.

"you should be in bed, princess." the midwife says, "yes! I should!" Rhaenyra shouts.

"Rhaenyra." Ysaera called. "Help me dress." Rhaenyra said to the other midwife.

Ysaera watched as Rhaenyra grunts in pain and let the midwives help her het dressed as the baby was taken to be cleaned.

Laenor then came and took Rhaenyra with him to the Queen. Ysaera followed slowly behind the two. "Mother! Mother!" a groan was heard. "No! Me first!"

Ysaera turned behind her to find her two children running towards her."Mother! Is the baby a boy!?" Aerus asked.

"No! It has to be a girl!" Saeya shouts.

"Unfortunately it's a boy, my sweetling." said Ysaera as she lifted Saeya up and carried her as they followed Rhaenyra and Laenor.

"Would that mean, we have an another male cousin? What's his name!?" Aerus asked, loudly.

"Aerus, I hope this is the last time you'll shout." said Ysaera in a stern tone. They reached up the stairs as they hear Rhaenyra groan.

Ser Criston stood door, bowed and opened the door to Alicent's chamber.

"Rhaenyra!" Alicent called. "You should be resting after your labors."

"I have no doubt you would prefer that, your grace." Rhaenyra answered.

Alicent looked behind the two, and see Ysaera with her two children behind her.

"you must sit. Talya fetch a cusion for the Princess."

Rhaenyra sat down as Alicent kept looking at the baby. Viserys entered and smiled."what a happy news this morning."

"indeed, your grace." Laenor agreed.

Laenor lifted the baby from Rhaenyra and giving him to Viserys. "There he is." Viserys says.

"Can I see, mother?" Aerus asked as Viserys looked at the white haired boy. "Come, take a look, Aerus." Viserys says. "A fine prince. You will make a fewrsome knight."

"does the baby have a name yet?" Alicent asked.

"Joffrey." Laenor answered."he'll be called Joffrey."

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