CHAPTER 7 | Laerys Velaryon

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   A/N : I have added a character named Laerys Velaryon, as Ysaera Targaryen's soon husband. Laerys is third brother of Lord Corlys.


        Ysaera walked in the halls with Ser Criston Cole and Ser Lorent Marband behind her.

The gigantic doors infront of her was opened by the two Knights as she nodded to them and entered. Soonly, the doors were closed behind her as inside Viserys' chamber was his miniatures of King's Landing.

A dagger sat through a fire. Ysaera looked at the dagger about to touch it. "That dagger, once belonged to Aegon the Conqueror." Viserys spoke as Ysaera looked behind her to find Viserys approaching her. "It was Aenar's before that."

"And before that.." Viserys adds. "Well, it's difficult to know." a small smile built in Ysaera's lips.

Viserys lifted the dagger up, as Hugh Valyrian words were shown through it. "Before Aegon's death, the last Valyrian pyromancers, hid his song in this steel." he then gave it to Ysaera.

"From my blood.. come the prince that was promised and his will be the song of Ice and Fire." She read.

"The responsibility that I handed to you, Ysaera." Viserys says as she looked at him. "The burden of this knowdlege, it is larger than the throne, the King. It is larger than you."

"and your, desires."

Ysaera lifted her chin up and her shoulders back, keeping her posture lean.

Viserys then hid the dagger. "Jaehaerys would've disinherited you." he says.

"For a lie?" said Ysaera. "you've yet to ask of the truth of what happened, Viserys."

"the truth does not matter, Ysaera." Viserys raised his voice."only perception, you have exposed yourself! Now we must both suffer the consequences."

"were I were born a man, I could bed whomever I wanted." Ysaera looked at him with glistening eyes."I could father a dozen bastards and no one on your cour would blink an eye."

Viserys smiled. "you are right." he says as his smile faded."but you are born a woman, Ysaera."

"so you would strip off of my titles and name Aegon in my stead." she said, sternly.

"I would." Viserys raised his voice once more as Ysaera remained standing, getting the expection she had expected.

"but is mine to hold the realm together, not sow it in further division. Your courtship is at an end." Viserys says. "you will wed Ser Laerys Velaryon, and you will do so, without protest."

Ysaera scoffed."the Sea Snakeskin brother? So I can be a remedy for your political headaches."

"Do you even realized what position you have placed yourself to!? You have tour virtue questioned, Ysaera!" Viserys looked away from her."your wedding to Ser Laerys Velaryon will unite the two most powerful houses in the realm." he adds "with the combined strength of our shared dragons and naval fleets, no one would dare stand against us."

Ysaera remained silent as she trailed the streets of the King's Landing at the table; the Streets of Silk in sight.

"The house of the Dragon will stand as one for further generations."

"and what will you do to the vulture who perches upon your throne?" Ysaera looked at her brother.

"what vulture?"

"Your Hand." said Ysaera.

"Otto Hightower has served two King's loyally and faithfully."

"he wants Aegon to be named heir, Viserys." Ysaera's eyes were unreadable."and he will stop at nothing to see it done. Including spying on me to bring about my ruin."

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