CHAPTER 4 | Royal Hunt

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Three years that it has been since Alicent Hightower was wed to the King Viserys Targaryen.
The named heir; Ysaera Targaryen remained standing and claiming her title as an her, even though Aegon Targaryen was born and now two years old, the first named heir remains sitting along the King at the council.

Alicent and Rhaenyra barely spoke to one another. Neither of them would engage a conversation not if it matters at the council or if the King himself demands.

And once more, Ysaera was off to find a husband; in order's of her own brother, King Viserys.
Viserys never surrendered on considering a husband for Ysaera. Alliance is what it is.

Ysaera stood in the middle of the venue room; staring at Viserys and Alicent; who accompanied the lady's and lord's from other houses that attended Aegon's name day.

"He has your hair, your grace!" said one of the lords. "he does have my hair." Viserys agreed.

"Ser Lorent, have you seen Rhaenyra?" Ysaera asked; looking at the Knight behind her. "No, my lady."

"The matter of Stepstones is regrettably urgent." They heard Tyland report to Viserys. "It's been three years, it can wait another three days." Viserys answered.

"It cannot wait another three days, brother." Ysaera mumbled to herself and placing her hands behind her.

"Lord Tyland, care to tell me the matter's of the war?" Ysaera asked as Tyland was about to walk past her.

"Uh, well, Princess.." Tyland cleared his throat. "The Crabfeeder has dug in for siege in Bloodstone, while his men.. sabotagr our fleet under the cover of the dark." Tyland took a deep breath.

"and my brother?" she asked."Well, the Prince had done what he can to keep our men alive for the next hours and days." Tyland answered. "although.. the prince has driven the men so hard, they have begun to question his command."

"thank you, Lord Tyland." Ysaera replied with a nod as the Lord bowed down and headed towards Viserys.

"Where in the seven hells Rhaenyra might be?" Viserys' voice raised and looking around.

Otto have made a sense in whether the Crown will intevene, it might appear weak. But it might lose aswell. But to Ysaera's concern, house Valeryon will fall.

The carriage loudly sounded as it moved. They are about to head to the Royal Hunt that the King had wanted.

"Should you be traveling with such condition?" Rhaenyra asked Alicent; who struggled with her womb.

"The maester said that being out on nature would do me well." Alicent replied with a smile.

"Well, you and aunt will be with your own children, sooner than late, and make me pround uncle and grandsire." said Viserys, looking at the two princess.

Rhaenyra remained looking at her Father as Ysaera looked out the window of the carriage.

"It's not so bad. The days are long, but Aegon came quickly without a fuss." said Alicent and followed by silence.

"you should ride out with me today, Rhaenyra." Viserys spoke."Join in the chase."

"I'd rather not. The boars squeal like Children when they're being slaughtered." Rhaenyra replied.

"perhaps the princess finds it discomforting." Ysaera added.

"it's a hunt, Rhaenyra." Viserys says and looked at the two."how would you like yo participate?"

"I'm not sure why I must." Rhaenyra said. "You're the King's daughter, Nyra." Ysaera answered as Rhaenyra looked at her."the princess and you have duties." she says; still looking out to the window.

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