CHAPTER 9 |Eye for an Eye

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        It wasn't long when Ysaera stayed in Dragonstone. Not so long that Laerys recieved a letter from the Stepstones and demanding his presence, it had been two days when Laerys left.

Not so long either that she and her family went back to King's Landing as Daemon gave a word to her that his wife; Laena Velaryon had died.

This took Laenor to sadness.

Rhaenyra stood beside Ysaera as they watched for Laena's casket sunk down to the deep sea.

Ysaera stood infront of Ser Lorent as she looked around; looking for Aerus and Saeya, but only to see Daemon looking at her from across the balcony.

Alicent on the other hand have been looking at her, she frowned at her and looked away; heading towards Aerus, who stood by the stairs.

"Have you seen brother?" she asked Aerus and recieved a shrug.

"Your little cousins have lost their mother." Ysaera says as she looked down at Aerus. "They could use a kind word."

Aerus nodded and quickly walked away. Ysaera looked to the sea and see Laenor; standing there in silence.

By then, Qarl had gone off to fetch Laenor on the shore.

Daemon passed by Ysaera as he gone down the stairs; glancing at Aerus who sat with Daemon's son and Saeya with Aemond with her eyebrows drawn together.

She followed not so far behind Daemon, who walked slowly through the wettened sand.

"There's nothing much to say, Ysaera." Daemon says as she kept walking behind him.

Daemon looked behind him as he squints on the wind. He continued walking; "Laerys." he says.

"Laerys has been restelss for years." she replied. "I know better than anyone that our marriage is a farce. But I atleast make the effort to maintain appearance."

"you have more to lose." Daemon said.

"Yes, that has been my lot since our brother named me his heir."

"Harren's curse is said to be as strong now as it was after the conquest." Ysaera says.

"That's a ghost story."

"One Ser Otto and the Queen would gladly exploit." Daemon adds.

"I do not believe Aicent is capable of such cold murder." Ysaera looked at Daemon as he hummed in reponse. "everyone is capable of depravity and more of what you believe." he said.

She stayed quiet for a moment. "I believe if of you."

"If you're accusing me of some depravity, you'll beed to be more specific."

"you abandoned me, Daemon." she says as she stopped walking.

"I spared you." Daemon replied.

"And look at what happened when you abandoned me." She says with a frown.

"droll tragedy." she spunned her heels and shook her head as Daemon grabbed her arm. "I wonder what you think of mine by comparison?" he asked.

"I know little of it." Ysaera stared at Daemon."did you love her?" Daemon noticed the small shake in her voice.

"We were happy enough." he answered after a moment.

"well that, in itself is a great achievement." Ysaera said as  she looked down."I am sorry, Daemon."

"don't be." said Daemon as he stepped closer to Ysaera."I am least allowed to mourn my losses." he added as he stared down at her.

"Daemon."  She whispered. Daemon stared as his hands cupped Ysaera's cheeks and his lips finding hers.

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