xxii, pulled into tartarus

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p u l l e d  i n t o  t a r t a r u s


They walked through the desert, quietly. It seemingly is the only bright thing in the whole Underworld. Venus had taken off her bag and handed it to Grover saying that it was to pay her back for helping him.

"Weird, I haven't heard the dog in a while," Grover said.

"He chased us all the way and then... stopped?" Percy asked. "I wonder why,"

"That's what I'm saying," Grover said. 

"We thankful, you ungrateful idiots," Venus said, walking away when she suddenly felt as if she wasn't in control of her body.

"Venus? Venus, where are you going?" Percy yelled, as Venus started to float making her yelp in surprise.

"I- I don't know. I'm not using them!" She exclaimed as the two boys ran after her.

"Grover! Percy!" She yelled, "It's the shoes!" She yelled as she was dragged down the rough sand, making her sure she was going to have bruises on her legs. Should've listened to Luke when he said that skirt wasn't the best choice

She tried holding on to sound as she was dragged by a huge force into Tartarus. "Grover!" She screamed, "Pe-" She felt sand going into her mouth. I'm dying. That's it.

Grover ran to her and then fell beside her, grabbing her as Percy did the same and held Grover, taking out his sword.

"It's close! We all can't die at the same time!" Venus yelled, looking down. Percy took out his sword before stabbing it into the sand and they stopped but the shoes continued flapping, rapidly. 

A grunt escaped her throat as she pulled her legs up in a fetal position with her entire strength. Hurriedly, untying the shoes and letting them fly into Tartarus without a care in the world that those shoes belonged to Luke. She breathed, harshly feeling terror make her bones tremble. She spit out the sand and wiped her tongue with her sleeve.

"Holy shit, Percy! You just held the weight of two people," She said. She laid back on the sand, feeling safe, still breathing heavily. They backed away from the pit. They heard a clank when Percy lay on his back. 

"What was that?" Grover asked. Percy removed his bag and opened it, taking out the one thing that they had this whole quest for.

"Is this-"

"No," Grover said.

"I mean, it looks like-"

"It absolutely is not," Grover said. Venus felt as if she had accomplished something. She felt relieved and happy.

"Okay," Percy said. "So, what is it then?"

"Yeah, that's the master bolt,"

"I mean, I think so right?" They talked over each other.

"Yes! Yes, it is!" Venus yelled, happily. "We have the master bolt! We can stop the war, save your mom, and finally go back to camp!"

"How is it in your bag?!" Grover yelled.

"Wait, this isn't my bag. This is the bag Ares gave me," He said.

"He had it this whole time!" Venus exclaimed in realization. "He fooled us."

"He was working with Hades?" Grover asked.

"I guess so," Percy said.

"Zeus is going to have to wait,"

Venus had taken out her own shoes from her bag and wore them, regretting her decision to even wear them in the first place. But if she hadn't worn them, then they wouldn't have known Percy had the master bolt in his bag.

They walked inside Hades' palace, she looked around amazed when she jumped as she felt the floor moving and they went up. "Is this our stop... or?" Grover asked and then they heard footsteps.

"Hey, fellas. Welcome!" Hades welcomed them. "Sorry about all the... oh... anyways, it's great to meet you,"

"I know who you are, and you know who I am, so we can just skip right past that part," He said, "can I get you anything?" He asked.

"Fresh pomegranate juice, a snack?" Hades asked. 

"Actually, if-"

"My mother," Percy said.

"Boom," Hades said. "Straight to business. I admire the cut of your jib. Little nautical reference for you."

Venus looked around, still mesmerized as she occasionally brushed off the sand on her legs after feeling it and scratching her bruises. 

"I see you,"

"Where is she?" Percy asked.

"Right. Okey-doke. Let's get to it," Hades said, "your mom's just over there," he said and walked away. The three shared a look, "You've come all this way, don't be shy." They finally followed him and her lips parted when she saw the golden statue of a woman. Percy's mom.

"What did you do to her?" Percy asked.

"Uh... save her life?" Hades scoffed. "You know, typically, getting crushed by a Minotaur is a terminal diagnosis. I snagged her for ya, just in a "ta-da" nick of time, so that you would come and see me," He explained.

"And here we are," He said, "You give me what you got, and I'm giving you what I got," 

"I..." Venus and Grover looked at Percy, "I can't give it to you."

"Ah, see, there's a quid and a quo here," Hades said.

"The bolt doesn't belong to you," Percy said. "Your plan almost worked. You and Ares managed to steal the bolt, trick me into bringing it right down, and give it to you."

"But it's wrong, and I won't do it," He said, "so all I can ask you is to do the right thing, too. Please... let my mom go."

"Huh?" Hades asked, shaking his head confused.

"What?" Percy asked.

"Who- who tricked into Ares doing what?" He asked.

"You're in cahoots with Ares, to secure the bolt," Grover said.

"I'm not in cahoots with Ares. I seldom "cahoot". The bolt is my brother's drama, I don't want any part of it," Hades said.

"You don't want it?" Venus asked.


"Then what do you want?" Percy asked.

"My helm!" Hades exclaimed. 

"Your what?" Percy asked.

Author's note:

triple update so y'all better vote👹👹

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