author's note

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If you're someone other than the friends I'm forcing to read this story, thank you for being here!

This is my first real attempt at allowing people -- besides the ones in my head -- to read something I write.

That being said, this story is entirely mine. Do not copy it or try to claim it as your own. All characters and events are fictional and figments of my brilliant imagination. Any resemblance this story has to any books, movies, shows, or other forms of entertaining media that are out there is unintentional -- I can only be so original.

I am a native English speaker and I have no excuses for any ignorance that shines through my writing. So... sorry in advance.

There is also a decent amount of Spanish used by characters in this book. It's my second language, and if my English is bad, then who knows how bad my Spanish will be. But definitely don't let my illiteracy discourage you — it's just a heads up.

Translation wise, I try my very best to incorporate immediate translations in the main character's narrative in a simple, direct way. However, that may not always work, so there may be instances in which a character may repeat something twice — once in English and once in Spanish (which is something that happens very often in real life with people who speak more than one language). Don't worry, if it doesn't flow or make sense, you won't just see duplicates of the same line in two languages. I'm not a complete amateur.

If I'm feeling lazy, there may also be times when I put translations at the end of a chapter. Although that will be rare. Seriously, because who really wants to scroll all the way down to see a translation for only one word/phrase.

Even so, I'll never discourage anyone from taking the time to translate themselves if my attempts aren't up to par with expectations. Just can't say I didn't at least try, you know?

All Under the Place is my interpretation of what high school is and what it can be. Some parts may seem really relatable while others may seem completely unrealistic. But honestly, is there anything that doesn't happen anymore in high school? 'Cause I've seen some crap.

Throughout the story, you'll notice I'm not the fondest of labels. Labels are confining, and a person's identity is far from being solidified while they're in high school. We do an array of stupid things, sometimes with reason and sometimes without. Either way, it's a time of versatility.

I wanted to represent a little bit of everyone in All Under the Place. Finding a book that showcases true diversity (in a non-stereotypical way) is hard, and this is my best take on it. I can't include every kind of person there is out there, but hopefully, this won't be my last piece of work to do so. I'm far from a professional – I'm just here to have fun and create an unnecessarily dramatic ass story for my own shits and giggles.

From the inner teenager in me to you, I hope you enjoy :)


Start Date: February 4th, 2024

End Date: To Be Determined

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