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Derick's pov

Everyone was a sweaty mess by the time we had spent over an hour jumping around, my girl still looked gorgeous as ever

We all had fun, Brandon almost broke his collarbone so that was fun

"Wtf are we gonna eat" Gabe says out of breath

"I'm gonna start eating my shirt" Izaac was shaking his shirt trying to get a breeze to cool him down

"It's hot and I'm sweating in places I shouldn't be" Maxwell says causing us all to laugh

"What do we want to eat" Nessa asks opening my phone and looking up what to eat, all while on my lap

"What's near us ?" Abby asked

"Mmm pizza parlor, chipotle, wingstop-" Nessa was cut off by everyone saying wingstop and getting up to leave

"Wingstop it is" she laughs like the little angel she is

"Cmon mama" I turn on the bench to leave

She gets up and follows me to the door

"No walk in front of me" I pull her in front of me as I hold the door open for her

"Aw cause ur a gentleman" she turns back and smiles at me

"No because other guys can see ur ass if ur behind me, I can only look" I tell her straight up because I wasn't gonna lie to her

"Atleast ur honest" she laughs


We just decided on walking since it was just in the next parking lot over

I made sure to hold Nessa's hand the whole time since it was getting dark out

"Babe" she whined

"I love it when u whine, what do u need baby" I ask and bring her next to me

"Carry me please" she stops walking

I pick her up with her legs wrapped around my waist and I'm holding a large amount of ass

"That's so cute" Julissa turned around and noticed

She started recording me carrying Nessa and told me to turn around to see her and Julissa starts laughing

"What?" I ask

"She's sleeping Derick" she starts laughing harder along with the other girls who saw the video of when I turned around

I move my head to her neck that was lying on my shoulder and lightly kiss her

We walked all the way to wingstop and I had to wake her up now that we were going to eat

"Mama" I pat her back

"Hmm" she hummed in response

"Ready to eat" I let her slip down and hold her still

"Yes let's go" she said energized somehow

God she confuses me

"What do u want princess" I hold her hand

"Mm whatever u get, I won't eat a whole meal by myself so I'll share with u" she looks up and smiles at me

I smile back, earning a kiss on my cheek from her

"U want to go sit with the others while I order?" I ask because she got tired of walking and I don't want her to get tired of standing

"Yess, I'll save u a seat handsome" she walks off

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