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Vanessa's pov

After coming back from suspension, I find myself sitting in 2nd period as bored as usual since no one would be in my 2nd period, besides Marco, bc the rest were still driving back from a different city and Derick went to grab something before dropping me off at school, he'd be back before lunch

Then some guy comes up to me as soon as Marco left for the bathroom

By now u would've thought no guy would come up to me since I'm always with the group right ? Wrong.

"I'm Cesar" The guy said

"Oh I don't remember asking" I tell him while continuing to take notes that were on the board

"Wow" Cesar said

"Hey man fuck off" I say trying to see the board

"U hang with Eli n them?" he asked

"Do you see me with them?" I ask

"Yea but I just-" he started

"U just wanted to be nosey and stick your nose in my business" I cut him off

"That's not what I was gonna say" he said

"I don't really care what u were gonna say" I tell him before putting my stuff away since the bell rang

He continued to follow me and talk to himself because I wasn't listening until he said something

"U do know they do bad shit right" he said

"So?" I furrow my brows while looking around for Marco

"Did yk they-" he started again

"Omg ur literally so obsessed with them, leave me tf out of wtv u have against them stfu already" I yell slightly


Marco's pov

When I got back from the bathroom I noticed that Cesar kept pushing himself to talk to Nessa when she clearly didn't wanna talk to him but before I could say something, Derick called me saying him and the rest just got there in time for lunch

So I had to step away as I answered, which ended up being a bad idea


Alieena's pov

That stupid bitch thinks she's all that because she hangs out with my ex's

Yes I dated more than one of them, could you blame me ?

I saw that bitch with Cesar

Oh Derick and Eli are gonna love this

I found Derick and couldn't even say anything til I finally shoved him and told him to listen

"Ur lil gf is flirting with Cesar, as in blue and red rosary Cesar" I finally get out

"Very funny now move" Derick pushed me aside

"Look to your left and lmk what you see" I say walking off


Derick's pov

I wasn't gonna look but me and Eli ended up looking and to our shock, there she is

With Cesar, talking to him but it looked more like she was yelling at him

I watched him smile and touch her

Man. imagine thinking you found the love of your life then boom

Not even gonna lie, I was hurt

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