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Vanessa's pov

It's been 2 days since I stopped talking to everyone but everyone couldn't resist. Marco explained everything to mostly everyone..

Derick, David, and Maxwell still didn't know

I arrived at Jocelyn's quince, as me and Marco planned. I only saw David with guys I've never seen before but as long as Derick wasn't there yet, then we were good

I waited through the dances that were performed by the quinceañera, her damas, and chambelans. I got passed a few drinks during the dances, I mean who wouldn't ? I look hot rn

"What's a pretty lady like u doing here" a voice came from behind me

I turn to see a guy who was decent looking, he had a medium amount of ugliness to him

"I was invited?" I say sipping on stella rose


"U drink wine?" he laughed sitting next to me

"Fuck no, just anything that'll get me fucked up by the end of the night" I explain

"Oh I feel it, u alone?" he asked

"Who wants to know" I smirk

"Oh Idk I think that guy across the room" he said sarcastically


David's pov

Seeing Nessa was a shocker considering she didn't know anyone, but now that she's dancing with another guy.. I couldn't let that slide

I took a picture of them and sent it to Derick and just waited for the show to begin

Not even 10 minutes later, Derick busts through the doors with not many people noticing

Knowing Derick was there, I sat there and smirked to myself

Nessa and mr fuck face over here were practically having sex on the dance floor with their clothes on


Derick's pov

As I entered I looked for Nessa first before finding David and our blood cousins

Sitting there, watching her rub on that guy really had an impact on me

I couldn't do anything yet tho

A few minutes after I sat down, I got to drinking

These group of girls giggled like fuckin baby hyenas before the group shoved a girl at me

"Fuck off I'm married" I say downing another cup

"I don't see a ring" she said

"Ur like 12 hun" I laugh feeling the liquor kick in

"Whatever" she stormed off

Even tho she was about our age but just wore too much makeup


"Ur staring a little hard" David said leaning on my shoulder

"Oh yea I wonder why" I say downing another cup

"I think you have plenty in ur system" David said shoving the cups away from me

"Why do u think she'd do this?" I ask

"She's a girl, she's bound to do shit that'll take her mind off u and arent u mad at her for talking to that one guy" David explained

"Everyone was pissed, she talked to the enemy and who knows what she told him" I say defending myself

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