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Vanessa's pov

I think everyone in the house can agree that fall break is boring due to the rain thats been forcing us to stay inside

Right now everyone is in the living room, I'm laying on top of Derick

David and Gabe are wrestling on the floor while Maxwell and Frankio are laying on top of each other as Brandon sat on top of both of them

Elijah is sitting next to Julissa.
Abby and Yazmine are talking to each other while their boyfriends are playing games on their phones.

Emmanuel and Anissa are sleeping in think, or they're dead

"Guys wtf are we supposed to do" David groans out of breath from wrestling

"Idk im actually so bored out of my mind" Brandon gets off Maxwell an Frankio

"We already ate damn near all day" Gabe says

"We played Minecraft to pass time too, shit did not work" David shakes his head

"Someone search up shit to do around here" Brandon says standing up and laying on the couch with Abby

Abby starts rubbing his back and he closes his eyes

"They do the same thing we do" I look at Derick

"We do it better" he whispers

Now that Yazmine had Abby taken from her, she got up and sat on Marcos lap and he immediately put his phone down

"Are we down to go to skyzone??" Elijah says looking at his phone

"Im so down" Maxwell stands up and stretches his back

"Lets go ?" Gabe grabs the couch to help him stand up

"How far is it ?" I ask Elijah

"Max 20 minutes because the rain" he says turning his phone off and putting it on Julissa's lap

"Is it open right now ? It's still kinda early no ?" Marco asks

"It opens at 11, it's only 9" Elijah says

We all groan knowing we're gonna have to wait 2 whole hours


Me and Derick are still laying downstairs because we refused to get up while Abby and Brandon, Emmanuel and Anissa stayed down with us

Whoever wasn't in the Minecraft world, left the house to go get something to eat

"Ur my pretty baby" Derick whispered because Emmanuel and Anissa were still sleeping while Abby and Brandon were falling asleep

"Mm I like that" I look up at him

I'm rubbing the back of my fingers on his face while he closed his eyes, and I feel his boner underneath me

I keep quiet knowing I was internally laughing and positioned myself to where I have access to his boner

I wasn't planning on taking it out of his sweats so I was just rubbing it from the outside, he must've caught on bc he opened his eyes real quick

"Kiss me" he whispered

Assuming he wanted to moan but couldn't for obvious reasons, I placed my lips on his and it kept him quiet til his dick twitched in my hand through his sweats

He came inside his pants and I put my hand inside his boxers and took it out, licking his cum off my fingers

He just looks at me, out of breath and stands up, picking me up in the process

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