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Derick's pov

It's day 3 of fall break, I'm laying with Nessa without a care in the world

Modern family was still playing from last night so when I woke up before Nessa I would watch it. I'm convinced she just puts it on to fall asleep to background noise and not to watch it

I can't lie this show is good when Nessa isn't snoring in my ear at night

We fell asleep skin to skin again, she likes it. I like it, it's a win win

Someone lightly knocks on the door and it opens

"Hey me and the guys are gonna drop our gfs off, do u need anything while we're out ?" Marco whispered seeing Nessa was still sleeping

"Where u going?" I ask

"In n out opens at 10:30, it's 10 rn and we're hungry" Marco whispers while checking his phone

"Yea I'll text u our orders, preciate u" I give him a sideways thumbs up

"We're gonna be a while cause it's raining hella hard rn and we're tryna be careful" Marco says giving me a sideways thumbs up back

Emmanuel pops in and gives a sideways thumbs up too

"We'll be careful don't worry" Emmanuel blows me a kiss then leaves

I shake my head and wave Marco off

I go back to watching modern family, thinking about in n out because now I'm hungry

I want to clean and organize my shit into the drawers Nessa set up for us but I want to be with her at the same time

As I'm laying with her, debating if I want to get up or not, she groans and sits up

Perhaps she forgot she naked but I had no problem with it because I've seen this view before and I love it

"Morning mama" I rub her back

"Hi my love" she says in a raspy voice

"It's cold and I need to pee" she says getting up butt naked

"Ur butt is cute" I tell her smiling to myself

"Shutup Frederick"

I forgot she's not a morning person sometimes

"Love u too" I tell her while she's on the toilet

"Open the blanket" she says from the bathroom

I did and waited for her to come back to bed with me

"Mamaaaaa" I drag out because she's taking too long

"I'm falling asleep on the toilet one sec" she said before I heard the toilet flush

I chuckle to myself since I thought it was funny that she's that tired, we didn't even do nothing last night either

"Mm I'm tired" she closes her eyes and plops down on the bed

I pull her up to me like a dead corpse

"Are u hungry" I ask tucking her under the blanket with me

"Depends on from where" she sits up and gets on top of me

"Oh now ur awake" I laugh lightly studying her naked body

"Food is involved" she shrugs

"What a fatty, I offered u dick one time for breakfast and u told me no" I cross my arms

"Ur just as fat as me what" she lays down on me and I cover us with the blanket

"Closer. I want to be closer to uu" she whines

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