𝟎𝟔, tinkerbell is overrated

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"i can't pretend when i'm with my closest friends

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"i can't pretend when i'm with my closest friends.
cause tinkerbell is super overrated."

WHILE DOMINIC WAS in New York, Cora was either in the studio or with her friends

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WHILE DOMINIC WAS in New York, Cora was either in the studio or with her friends.

Or in this case, both because Lana and her were recording "tinkerbell is overrated" while their other friends were sitting in the studio with them.

Once they finally finished, the friend-group decided to hangout in the studio for a little longer before they all separated to get ready for the flight that next morning.

"We all need to record a song together one day." Conan said as they were all spread out on the two couches.

"That'd be crazy." Olivia smiled.

"Imagine." Tate nodded.

"Oh, Tate i almost forgot to ask you but what time do we need to be at your house in the morning?" Lana asked.

"We're leaving at eight so maybe around seven or seven-thirty?" She suggested.

"Yeah, Dom got back yesterday but we've both been busy so i haven't saw him yet but i'm pretty sure he's gonna come over later and then we're gonna leave together tomorrow and come to yours." Cora said.

"Okay, i think Violet's coming over tonight and Liv's staying too since she's already packed." Tate nodded.

"Oh my God, i can't wait. This is gonna be so much fun." Conan groaned.

"Yeah, i can't wait to meet Violet, she sounds nice." Cora said.

"You'll love her. Y'all are honestly really similar, i don't know how you don't know who she is." Iris said.

"I don't know, i might. I'm really bad at remembering names." Cora laughed.

"You know, i feel like since i've known you and Lana for so long, i'll zone y'all's accents out and then i'll randomly hear them and it scares the hell out of me." Olivia is shook her head.

"What the fuck?" Lana asked while Cora was confused.

"Olivia, i don't know why you're always hating on British people when your boyfriend is literally known for being a "London boy"." Cora joked.

"Oh.. that got.." Conan started.

"Intense.. like really fast." Iris finished.

"I'm so sorry, i'll never diss the brits again." Olivia put her hand over her mouth while Cora laughed.

The six friends continued to hangout for another hour until it was getting late so they all went to their houses and finished packing so they could be ready for the next morning.



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author notes

short little chap just so i could put something out !! longer chap hopefully out tmr/today

anywayssss i hope u all liked and this killed my storage for some reason

don't be a silent readerrrrrr<333 love u all byebye

𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐒, dominic fike ²Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora