It was a simple interaction, no screaming from me and no embarrassment afterwards.

The three glance back to us, Kai was first to speak “We like the guy. He's really smart. He's just… a little off sometimes.”

“Zane is a brother and brothers are often different. I should know.” God Wu sounds so mysterious.

I remember gasping when I found out that his brother was-

“Mail!” The boys yelled running excitedly to the door.

The Postman pants, “Let's see. A letter from Jay's parents.” Jay grabs the mail. “Kai has a fan letter.” Kai grabs the mail., “Oh, something from Cole's father.” Cole grabs the mail.

“What, no package? I'm expecting something from Creatures, Beasts, and Beyond .”

“No. Nothing from... uh-uh. Here it is!” He hands a box to Cole.

“Ha! Rocky's gonna love this!”

I like how his name is Cole… like coal. On the earth… which is his element. Sorry-

Jay looks back to the white ninja, “Hey, Zane. How come you never hear anything from your parents?”

Oooh that's a sore spot.

“I don't remember my parents. I've been an orphan all my life.”

“You mean you've never had a home?”

Zane just shakes his head timidly.

“The Monastery is your home now.” Master Wu answers only for Zane to walk away sadly.

Poor baby.

— — —
“Oooh it smells so yummy in there” I grin, feeling a growl erupt from my stomach.

Everyone except for Zane sat at the dinner table.

“it does! Oh, I love it when it's Zane's night to cook.” Jay swoons.

“Hey. I didn't hear any complains about my duck chowder last night.” Cole tilted his head as if to stick his nose out proudly.

Ugh… that nasty dish. Still makes me want to barf.

Kai waved his hand at the theory, “That's because it glued our mouths shut. You really thought Jay was speechless all throughout dinner?”

“Yeah. Please don't make that again.”

“Never” I agree, laughing at their interactions.

Zane enters the dining room wearing a pink apron with flowers while holding some turkey, “Dinner is served.”

Everyone starts laughing. I mean… even Master Wu. Maybe it's because gen Z helped broaden what could be defined as ‘girly’ that makes it normal for me.

“What's so funny?”

“Zane. You're wearing a... Even I wouldn't wear that.” Nya wipes the tears from her eyes.

“You laugh because I take steps to ensure I'm clean after cooking?”

“Haha! No! We laugh because you came out wearing that ridiculous outfit!” I easily sent a glare over to Kai.

“I guess we don't share the same sense of humor.”

We don't.

“Well, how about this?” Cole throws a plate full of shrimp on Kai's face.

“You're wasting food!” I complain pulling a bowl closer to me for safe keeping

“How could you not find that funny?” Master Wu pours soup onto Cole's head. “Ah!”

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