(Un) Hidden - 3

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Wide-eyed spectators stared at a breathless Prithvi. What could he possibly utter about tossing Janki down the stairs and allowing the stampede to overrun her? He needed to think on his feet. Raising his gaze, his neck damp with sweat, he locked eyes with Preeta.

Preeta Ji, I took Janki Aunty for a stroll.” He said with difficulty.

“I know that Prithvi Ji, but then what? Where is she now?” Preeta asked politely.

“I- we uhm…...”, 

What the hell, can’t you answer directly where is she?” Karan shouted

“Did you leave her somewhere?” Rishab inquired

"Janki Aunty relied on you; you suggested a walk, so where did you leave her?" Shristi shook him, demanding an answer. Prithvi found himself at a loss, realizing he had to conjure a convincing lie. 

“I left her in the mall”, he blurted. The women gasped

“Prithvi how could you do this, I trusted you with her, and in the face of danger, you left her unguarded. When you knew she can’t protect herself.” Sarla grasped his collar. Karan also found the opportunity to degrade him.

“No Sarla Aunty, first listen to me. I left her to protect her,” He hurriedly cooked a story. Preeta raised her delicate eyebrow.

When the mall was under attack, people started running. So, I hid Janki Aunty in the storeroom, but in the hustle, like all of you, I also forgot about her. But don’t worry. It’s my fault I was amend it”, Prithvi manipulated them with his overly sweet and docile tone.

“Let him be. Let’s go and get Janki Aunty”, Karan said with irritation.

“You don’t have to do anything. This is our family matter. I’ll go and bring Aunty home,” Prithvi said with dominance. Karan gritted his teeth. 

“Prithvi Ji, don’t waste any time and bring Janki Aunty home. I will let the Police know”, Preeta said as she glared at him who was ecstatic in his doping pleasure.

“don’t call the police I’ll see the officer on the way. No issues”, he assured in his tooth-rotting tone. 

“Preeta you are sending him alone. I don’t trust this man at all”, Karan said as his gaze pierced through her. Why would she trust that scum? He got angry for no reason. 

“It was his fault, to begin with, Karan”. She spoke

“Doesn’t matter. We are also going to…….” He argued but she interrupted him

“No, you should go home.” She spoke. And Karan felt emotional. Is she also considering that they should stay out of her family matters? Is Prithvi her family and I’m an outsider? Is she asking me to go away?

Karan think about Rakhi Aunty, she had been out since morning and we went through a turmoil today. Everyone should rest. Prithvi will bring Janki Aunty home and I’ll stay in touch with you. You need to relax”

“Preeta I…...”

“Karan. Please all of you must rest, You and Rishab Ji are injured. And being an athlete, your priority is your health. Rishab Ji, I know you guys are just a call away so don’t worry and go home. Okay”. 

Karan felt a warm and fuzzy feeling, she was not sending him away because he was an outsider but because she was worried about him. He felt content.

“OK,” Rishab said, “But Preeta Ji, you guys should take it easy. Inform us as soon as you hear back from the police. We’ll come in a heartbeat.” Rishab said as he held her hands. Karan still wanted to argue against it but eventually gave in and left huffingly.

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