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Track : Terrorists in the Mall

Luthras and Aroras had planned to shop nuptial chains from the same showroom. The third generation of both houses were seated and enjoying the drinks while suggesting which chain suits Preeta Arora the most. Sherlyn was also present and was looking for a chain herself, slyly glancing the Malhotra for his opinions. Their side-eye glances were unnoticed by the audience so far. 

However, the sweet moments of Preeta and Karan were under the scrutiny of their mothers who could recognize the longing in Karan's eyes and the scared love in Preeta's brown orbs—scared love that she oppressed so she could fulfill her filial piety to her mother. Hidden because she refused to accept the warmth that engulfed her whenever the black-eye star looked at him. She was repressed with the fear of attachment. Everyone knows that feelings ignored are easier than feelings rejected. 

As for Karan's longing for her, he is unaware of her influence on him. He subconsciously tries to be a better person worthy of her. But his pride is too big for his heart. He brutally rejects his heart's desire for her. He refused to get used to her warmth and gentle gazes. He sneaked a look at Preeta who was donned into an off-white Anarkali, looking as charming as ever. He repeatedly reprimands him that she is just a friend, but why would he feel his inside burning whenever that loud-mouth Prithvi lays his claim on her?

Prithvi chose the most outdated chain for her which made even Sarla frown. Preeta suddenly remembered the blue lehnga which was as bad as the chain. But again, she was not given a choice. She sighed and decided to stroll around the showroom. Karan followed. He presented her with a small nuptial chain adorned with dark black beads and a beautiful round pendant. It looked beautiful against her pale white neck. Karan loses his breath when he sees his reflection with her in the mirror. His mind screamed that he wanted her. In the trance he made her wear the chain however when the cold pendant touched her neck, she hitched and the moment broke. She harshly rejects him which angered Karan and saddened Preeta. She scolded him because she wanted to save her heart. She knew it was impossible between them but Karan could not understand her dilemma. They argued and split.

In all the happenings, Prithvi and Sherlyn are trying everything to get rid of Janki. In desperation, Prithvi suggested taking Janki out to see the mall as everyone else was busy. During the same time, some robbers break into the mall. When the robbers terrorize people, in the mess Prithvi throws Janki from the stairs. He went to make sure she died and joined the others in the showroom. The criminals had already hijacked the showroom. A fight broke out when Karan lost his temper which was already short because of his scribble with Preeta. The Luthra brothers couldn't hold against the armed criminals. Again, they were tied and tamed when Preeta was under gunpoint. The tamed Luthras and Aroras along with beaten Prithvi were left at their mercy. The negotiation with the police started and the gang leader went out of the store where his men already captured a very much alive Janki. 

The gang decided to kill her and use her body for negotiation with the police. Janki begged them to favor her once and let her talk to Preeta Arora. Covered in injuries and tears, the leader showed Janki some mercy to call Preeta. The leader called his goons into the showroom and asked them to bring Preeta Arora to him. However, the Luthra brothers and Aroras denied profusely, how can they let a woman of their household be taken away. A strange panic surged in Preeta's heart. Against everyone's reluctance, she decided to go with the goons. Karan shouted at her for acting brave but she didn't give him an ear. Hands tied she followed them out of the shop, leaving the crying mother and angry Karan behind.

Preeta was shoved in the front, she asked why they were asking her out but received no reply just a forceful push. After going to the upper floor and crossing the hall, Preeta froze and turned pale. She felt her breath leaving her, her eyes sting with tears and her hands tremble. In front of her was a conscious Janki who was supposed to be paralyzed. Janki was now sobbing, shoulders shaking, she stumbled towards Preeta with small steps. Arms wide open for urging her for a hug and Preeta broke in a full sprint to engulf her in her embrace. She keeps chanting Janki Aunty, Janki Aunty. 

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