Roka Ceremony

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Track: Preeta’s Roka ceremony in Kumkum Bhagya hall.

The Kumkum Bhagya hall was decorated to the nines for the Roka of the third daughter of Aroras. Preeta Arora was spiffed up in a white lehenga and pink jewelry. She was greeting everyone in the hall with her usual gentle smile however her would-be husband who was supposed to meet the guests together with her was nowhere to be seen. Her friend Karan Luthra nonetheless was following her to take her on a side so he could inform her of the truth of Prithvi Malhotra. People were confusing the bantering friends as a loving couple who were a sight for sour eyes.

Amid all the festivities, Janki followed Prithvi to the bridal room to call him for the ceremony but she got shocked by witnessing the horrible scene that choked her. The beloved daughter of Aroras was going to engage a scumbag who on his ceremony is having a rendezvous under Arora’s roof. The man they are going to trust their daughter is a scoundrel involved in an illicit relationship with someone. Janki wanted to get out of her hiding place and drag him by his collar. She wanted to paint his face black and drag him throughout the city on the leash.

As Prithvi left the room, Janki waited for a few minutes to avoid any confrontations. She left after making sure she was not seen by anyone. She has to locate Preeta and Sarla Arora to tell them that they made a wrong decision. Roaming around the hall she finally locates Preeta at one end of the hall arguing with her friend Karan Luthra. Their argument didn’t surprise anyone anymore as it become routine. Janki rushed towards her, panting and frantic.

Preeta comes with me,” said Janki, looking at her short breaths, sweating forehead and bulging veins Preeta and Karan stopped arguing at once.

What happen Janki Aunty, are you ok? Wait let me get you some water….”, Preeta holds her and inquires hurriedly.

No no Preeta it’s very important please come with me”

“But Aunty …...”

“Preeta for God’s sake don’t counter just come with me”, Janki said sternly which made Preeta speechless and she looked at Karan who was also confused with Janki’s flustered state. He followed the two to the first floor. Janki hurriedly closes the door but Karan insisted on joining them.

“Listen carefully Preeta, stop this Roka ceremony please,” Janki said without beating around the bush. Preeta looked at her with astonishment and a little anger.

Janki Aunty do you know what you are saying, how can you say that, people are here, the priest is here, everything is ready, Mom is happy beyond the world and you are asking me to back out just like that” ……

“You don’t know Preeta…….” Janki was interrupted by Preeta “It must be Karan who has brainwashed you right, he was asking me to stop these rituals, and the next moment you came to sing the same tune” …… She said with anger.

“Have you lost it Preeta, I never said anything to Aunty, you didn’t even hear what she wants to say…...”

“What’s there to listen……...” Karan interrupted her by pulling her towards him and holding her harshly “What is your problem Arora, where is your so-called maturity and gentleness, have you seen Aunty how flustered she is but you are not tired of praising that two-faced Prithvi huh”

He pushed her a little and she stumbled, she looked at him with shock and hurt but it didn’t dissipate Karan’s anger.

Seriously how long have to know him, three days just three days and you think that you know him well. Humans are complicated Preeta, life passes but you still can’t discover the inner demons of another person and you claim that he is an amazing person, who are you kidding with huh’……...

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