Then, as if Rey's morning couldn't get any worse there was a break in the cartoons .
What she saw on the T.V. screen sent cold shivers down her spine. There he was , scowling  furiously . He was not at all happy to have a camera taking a photo of him.

    " And this just in..... A man was pulled from the water very early Wednesday morning. He has spent the last three days in the local regional hospital."

        Rey gasped as she saw the face of the man in her sex dream.  Suddenly, she lost her grip on her coffee cup and it spilled all over the thread bare carpet.

    "It seems that he has amnesia and can not recall why he was found in the ocean wearing a tuxedo. If anyone knows the identity of this man it would be of great help if you could come and claim him. He is causing some problems and the hospital staff would like to discharge him as soon as possible."

    "Oh  my god!"  She screamed. " That's him! Maz come here, that's the jerk who....."

    Maz moved as quickly as her old legs could move and just saw his face before the news switched back to the cartoon.

Darth  and Anikin also ran into the room and just stared open mouthed at their crazy mother when she began screaming at the T.V.

       "Rey, dear. This can't be an accident. This was meant to happen. You must go to him."

"Excuse me? He tried to...."

"No Rey, this could be how you get even. He doesn't know who he is. He won't recognize you. Go and say your his wife."

Maz only took a moment to think of a believable story.

"Say he is an eccentric. He likes to dress up in all kinds of costumes. He goes of for days at a time. You were so worried. You don't know why he was found in the water."

" But Maz ..."

"Rey, this is how you could make up for your lost wages. Get him to do a few handyman things around the house. Then kick him out."

"Here , take my wedding band." Maz slipped her ring off of her finger and placed it in Rey's palm. " Now we need to think up a convincing story."


   Oh , it was great to to rich.

No matter where the money came from . As long as Bazine could have 'Thunder from Down Under'  hunks working on her fingers and toes she was a happy woman.

        Life was wonderful without her distracted, grumpy husband tying her down. His job as a hit man to one of the most dangerous mob bosses never bothered her much.  As long as her lifestyle was properly tended to the money could come from the devil himself.

   Kylo must have had a job popping someone off soon after the party. Sometimes he just left without a 'goodbye' or a 'see ya later.'
Snoke would call him and he would take the helicopter .

But no .

The helicopter was right there on the landing pad.  He must have gotten off some other way soon after his party because he never came back after the fight with Hux. 

     "This cream on my face feels gross.wipe it off now!"  She complained to her personal  assistant. Baz couldn't be bothered cleaning her own face . She might mess up her manicured fingers.  

          This was a daily ritual for Bazine. A mani pedi and a facial.  But it was hopeless. The damage had already been done.  Wrinkles and a double chin were just weeks away.

     When the phone rang she screamed, " Answer it, can't you see I'm busy!"  
The overworked, underpaid assistant answered the phone then handed Bazine the phone.

    "Ma'm , it's for Mr. Solo."

  Shit , it must be Snoke.   She took the phone from her assistant and hoped for the best.  "Hello Mr. Snoke what a pleasure to hear from you."


   His nasally twang mixed with evil henchmen tone assaulted her ears.

"I need to speak to Kylo."

"Um," she needed to think up an excuse quickly and make it good.   " Oh,  he's not here. I thought he was with you ."

    "He isn't. I need him to tell me the security code for one of my bank accounts. He's the only one I trusted with it. I needed  it yesterday , and if you don't procure him in less than twenty four hours I will cut off your funds and instead of champagne and caviar on a yacht you'll be eating peanut butter and jelly in a trailer park!"

"Yes Mr. Snoke.  I'll find him a.s.a.p". Bazine slammed the phone down and yelled for Hux.

   She needed to find out the last known spot where Kylo was last seen, then hire a detective to look under every rock and bridge for him.

   Eventually he was found and Bazine , the dutiful and loyal wife that she wasn't, took one look at him yelling at a doctor through a two way mirror and  exclaimed that she'd never seen him in her entire life.

   Snoke would just have to find himself a new attack dog on a leach. All she would have to tell him is that Kylo left her with out a forwarding address.

    She still had Hux to keep her in furs and caviar. And if Smoke ever came poking around, well , she would not think about that right now. 

Overboard, a Reylo Omegaverse love storyWhere stories live. Discover now