Best Expressed Through Words

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"Happy, I found Lucy's stories! She's totally gonna kill me after this one," Natsu grinned as he pulled out a folder named "My Adventures!" from Lucy's middle draw.

"Aye!" The blue cat flew towards the dragon slayer and took a seat on their friend's desk.

"It's 7:30 so we only have half an hour until she's back. I can't wait to see what fancy words she threw in this thing, it's huge!" He exclaimed with his sinister smile creeping back up.

"But I was supposed to go see Carla in 5 minutes!" Happy cried out.

"Don't worry, I fill you in on all the details after. You better get going, buddy," he waved the exceed goodbye and watched him fly out of the window.

Natsu wanted to see what she thought of everyone or more particularly, him. It wasn't exactly a secret that he liked the blonde in a way that couldn't be described as just friendly. So, with half an hour to kill, he flipped through the pages, reading some and skimming through others.

"January 20th was nothing special. Me and Levy just read together in the library"

"July 9th Wendy fell into a puddle on our mission and the client laughed at her. Poor girl... The client was incredibly rude I'm suprised he didn't get punched"

"February 28th Gray accidentally knocked the cake out of Erza's hand, had the beating of a lifetime and is going to spend the next few missions carrying Erza's luggage"

Throughout the full 20 minutes it took him to finish it, he could only recall about 6 times he was mentioned. She had recorded atleast one sentence to describe each and every day yet he almost didn't make the cut. They hung out almost everyday and he barely even got a name drop.

Feeling the upset rising in his gut, the boy had to put the folder away before the sadness started pouring out of him. Who even cared what draw he put it into? Knowing he wasn't important enough to be in her writing left a sadness inside him and when Natsu got sad, he appeared angry.

The draw he opened was the bottom one, the one Lucy told him never to open. She got bothered about the others but that one most of all. In all his snooping he'd never go as far as to look in it until now. What he saw was an unnamed book with some pretty looking cover.

Despite knowing it was the wrong thing to do, he dropped the organiser of memories he once held and picked up the mysterious book before him.

If she didn't feel he was important enough to be mentioned then her privacy wasn't important enough for him to respect. Again, it wasn't right but he opened the first page up to find a selfie of her with him in the background of it.

He flipped again to somewhere in the middle to find two pages full of writing. It wasn't even paragraphed like the rest of Lucy's work that she put so much effort into. When he began reading it, it hit him. It's all one paragraph.

"May 30th, Natsu took me stargazing today. Isn't he as sweet as ever? I think I spent most of my time looking at him like he was a star with his own light that shined down upon me, a light I could only admire from afar."

The page ended with, "And then he turned to face me and I swear if he looked at me with those eyes a second longer I would've fainted on the spot! I think stargazing has moved up on my list of hobbies."

That page should've been enough to satisfy his ego and the blush on his face usually would've had him gasping for air but this time it only made him want to read on. What else did she write about him or even think about him?

Another flip and he landed on a page with a poem on one side and more photos on the other. All of the pictures had him somewhere in. It couldn't exactly be classed as a coincidence any longer.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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