~Chapter Twelve~holy sh!t

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"Axl I'm okay honestly, get yourself home" I smiled reassuringly.

using the damp tissue I had been latching on to for the past hour , i wiped the mascara stuck to my red cheeks dry.

After what happened tonight, the whole incident kind off patched things over with me and Axl. He had been over at my place for the last hour as we spoke things out.

In his failed attempts, he had also been trying to convince me to stay over at his place for the night or atleast until what happened at the bar blew over.

"Cmon Melody, what if he comes round here giving you crap" he pleaded, seeming genuinely concerned about me.

He's right, for once. I let the thought cross my mind, breathing out a nervous laugh I shook my head in agreement.

"I guess you're right, but only for the night" I sighed.

He smiled "good, go get your shit I'll wait here"

"Can we also grab some food on the way?" I asked "I'm starving and I bet you haven't eaten either"

"Yeah sure, now hurry up I'm hungry" my annoying brother whined.

I grabbed my stuff, locked up my place and we headed down to Dottie's Diner. It felt weird finally hanging out with Axl like we used to all those years ago, I'd be lying if I said it wasn't nice though.

"So have you kept in touch with Sammie?" I asked, our food finally arrived I began digging into the basket of fries on the table.

"Nope," he replied simply.

"Axl!" I scolded "why not?"

"I don't know, I just haven't besides,
she never really liked me anyway. Have you ?" He asks

"Of course I have, she lives downtown now though, with her husband Felix"

"She got married?!" Axl gasped "and I wasn't invited?"

"I guess not," I laughed

We sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes, Axl took the last bite of his burger while I sipped my drink I noticed him fidgeting to speak.

"So I should probably mention," he started, nervously.

"Oh god, what is it," I whine

"I have a few "housemates" over at my place" he adds "and one of them may or may not be your ex boyfriend"

I paused for a second trying to wrap my head around who it could be. But it all clicked, the guy at the bar saying he knew a "slash" and said guy knowing I was Axl's sisters. Could it really be him.

"Saul ?" I spat out suddenly, Axl shocked at my forwardness.

"You mean slash. But yes, that's who I'm taking about" he smirked.

"Are you fucking kidding me," I whispered "you've been in a band for an entire year with my ex boyfriend and only now it's crossed your mind to bring it up?"

"I didn't think it would be important?" He added

"Of course you didn't, you're a guy" I huff, rolling my eyes I threw my napkin on my empty plate in annoyance.

"What am I supposed to do if I just so happen to bump into him!?" I panic "I haven't seen him in 4 years Axl, and the breakup, well it was, Sad to be honest" I frown.

"Well then, I don't know. Get back with him, confess your feeling for him, sleep with him?" He suggested.

"AXL" I scold him once again.

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