~Chapter nine~ Do goodbyes last forever?

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3 months later

"Wanna come over to my house after school?" I asked Saul, the bell had rang for next period which I shared with Steven, the two walked either side of me. "Sammie's out for the night working and Axl's off doing god knows what so it'll just me and you" I smiled innocently.

He smiled right back, the excitement soon left his eyes quicker than it has appeared as guilt set in.

"I can't tonight, my moms on the whole strict rule thing so I have to be home by dark, it's dumb I know" he frowned, not able to keep his eyes on me longer enough for me to answer as we go out separate ways.

"I'll see you after class Mel!" He smiled and waved, walking down the corridor and disappearing into the sea of heads still populating the halls.

Something was evidently wrong but I brushed it off and took my usual seat besides Steven.

"Got a pen?" He asked, I nodded handing him the 4th pen this week, which I will definitely not be getting back.

The class was a bore, it's must of lasted so long that half way Mr Daley's lecture I must have fallen asleep.

"Psstt" Steven whispered, tapping his pen on the desk my head lay on.

"Wake up sleeping beauty" he chuckled.

I adjusted myself in my seat and tried my best to flatten out the bumps in my hair. I aimlessly glanced out of the window, watching and counting every car that drove past.

"Hey Stevie, has Saul said anything to you?" I whispered "about me?"

"Like what?" He asked.

"I don't know, never mind" I said shooting a soft smile and turning my head towards the window once again.

The bell finally rang for the final time, I said goodbye to Steven and waited outside by the bus stop I wait at everyday for Saul. Except he was taking an awfully long time.

Ten minutes had now gone by, the cold draft through my jumper was getting to nippy I was about to call it a day when I saw him finally walk out of the gates, bringing a smile to my face, I knew he wouldn't be long.

I watched him walk down the hill with his usually group of friends and waved over to him but he didn't wave back, maybe he didn't see me. He'll come over soon I'm sure of it.

But he didn't.

He completely ignored me and carried on walking down the hill the opposite way. I couldn't help but feel hurt but also embarrassed.

What did I do wrong ?

I began walking home, tears spilling down my cheeks as I took each step. I don't understand why he would do this. Or maybe he even forget, yeah that's a possibility, he forgot.

I decided not to dwell any longer and stopped off at the shop nearby the skatepark three blocks from my house to pick up some ingredients for my dinner, I'm alone tonight so I might as well make the most of it and treat myself with a bowl of pasta Thought.

I scanned the shelf, picking up some shell pasta, tomato sauce and cheese. I also threw some salted chips and nerds into my basket, why not.

I heard the shop bell ding, and an array of boys voices shouting and laughing at the same time, dumb kids from school probably. I reached up to grab a can of coke when someone suddenly barged into me knocking my basket to the ground.

"Oh sorry my ba-Melody?" The boy began to apologise, and I was about to give me a piece of my mind until.

"Saul?" I said, with a disgusted look on my face to say the least, I was so angry with him.

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