~Chapter four~ Eggs and Bacon

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My eyes fluttered open and I immediately felt the cold breeze seeping in through the open window nip at my skin, I buried myself deeper under the covers and memories of the night before started to run through my head.

I'm in a boys bed, I like this boy, I almost had sex with said boy. Shit, axles going to kill me. Shit, its nine forty five on a school day my Aunts going to kill me. Where's saul? Where  are my clothes?

I finally came round after my mini meltdown and decided to get out of bed. I scanned the room briefly for my clothes, they were neatly folded up on a chair with my boots sat beside them. I certainly didn't do that.

I fought with the denim on my jeans, pulling them up-nearly falling over in the process-till they sat just about under my waist. I pulled my sweater on and threw my hair in a ponytail.

I was missing a sock so stole one of Saul's, finally putting on my docs. I made the bed, opened the curtains and set out to look for slash.

I opened the door a jar. Coast was clear. Maybe he's in the kitchen, living room or in the basement. I closed Saul's door behind me, slowing tiptoeing down the corridor.

"You must me melody!" an unfamiliar female voice chimed.

I slowly turned around to see the source of the voice.

A women. A very beautiful women, her hair was like Saul's but a lot more glamorous, she wore a silk vee cut top with jeans close to my own but only hers weren't paired with beat up docs but shiny stiletto with the red heels. Her skin was coconut brown and as smooth as a moonstone.
She had a photogenic smile and her eyes danced with delight.

"Oh, yeah I'm melody" I smiled nervously as she stepped towards me, I followed her eyes as she took in my features, me doing the same too her.

"Sauls told me so much about you, he said you were really pretty but didn't tell me you were this pretty" she smiled causing me to smile even wider.

My legs felt like jelly, I knew I'd meet Saul's mum but walking out of his room at ten in the morning wasn't what I had in mind. Nevertheless, I just had to focus on not making my self look silly and I think she sensed I was anxious with my body language, she went to speak.

"it was very nice to meet you but I must go, gotta a busy day. Saul's in the kitchen trying to make eggs, failing terribly. so why don't you go give him a hand" she smiled

"It was nice meeting you too Mrs Hudson" I said.

"Please, call me Ola honey" she smiled before picking up her bag and putting on her sunglasses and walking out the door.

Sauls pov

I was on my sixth egg by now, hoping this one wouldn't break, the shell wouldn't fall into the pan with it or my dumbass wouldn't completely miss the pan and it end up on the floor.

"YES" I cheered.

Successfully cracking the egg into the pan.

"Hey" melody entered the kitchen, taking at seat at the table.

"Hey, I'm making eggs. It's not going good so far" I laughed.

"Yeah I know your mom told me" she scoffed

"Wait, you met my mom?"

"Yeah I ran into her trying to find you" she giggled.

"Aw man, she didn't say anything embarrassing right" I mentally faced palmed myself

"No actually, she's really sweet" she smiled.

"You need help over there" she laughed, coming to stand beside me to learn her head on my shoulder.

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