~Chapter eight~ The blonde and Brunette

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2 months later

We've been sneaking around for Some time now and I've hated lying to my aunt, so I finally found the right time to tell her. Currently, Sammie's making mine and axls favourite pasta dish while I accompanie her on one of the bar stools picking at the fruits bowl she has kindly made me.

"So I have something to tell you but please don't get mad" I cringe, Sammie looked up from the chopping bored in front of her waiting for me to continue. "I have a boyfriend. Well, we've been together for a while now"

Sammie placed the knife she was using down carefully on the marble counter, i scrunched up my face nervously waiting in anticipation for her reaction.

"Okay who is he, how long have you been together?" She asked with furrowed brows.

"His name is Saul, Saul Hudson. You met him before, the boy with Curly hair. Anyways, he asked me to be his girlfriend on my birthday. He's the one who took me out and we had dinner together." I blushed unknowingly as I watched a faint smile appear on Sammie face.

"Oh yeah I remember, he's the boy who I met at the mall right. Well, thank you for telling me." She finally smiled, a flush of relief washed over my face "but-"

"Oh god there's a but?" I sighed anxiously

"As your legal guardian we need to set some rules" she said firmly "Axl cannot and I mean cannot! know you have boyfriend, it will only end in disaster" "got it" i answered.

"Number two" "no funny business unless it's safe, I don't want you ending up pregnant and again axl would kill the pair of you, probably literally kill saul. Number three, he can come over as much as he likes. When axls not home."

"Okay basically be safe and axl can not know, got it" I gave a thumbs up, shoving a strawberry into my mouth.

"Look, you're a smart kid and boys are stupid. Just be careful, I don't want him to break your heart" she smiled.

"I know Sammie, thank you for being so nice about it" I smiled up at her, wrapping my arms around her waist I felt her place a kiss on my head.

"That's what I'm here for honey, now help me chop these tomatoes up your brother will be home soon!"

I felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders when I told Sammie about me and Saul. I hated lying to her, especially after everything she has done for Axl and I it felt wrong to keep it from her any longer.

After dinner I'm going over to Saul's house for the night. Sammie's okay with it and Axl thinks I'm having a sleepover with a bunch of girls from my school anyway, so everything is planned out perfectly.

"Something smells good!" Axl's voice echoed, as he entered through the front door.

"Yeah and it's not you. Take your smelly ass to the shower and hurry because dinners almost ready!" Sammie scolded Axl for being late.

"Yes ma'am" he replied bluntly, heading upstairs to hopefully shower.

"so, what the plan for you guys tonight huh?" sammie questioned me, an eyebrow raised and a mysterious look on her face.

"properly just watch a movie and eat a bunch of snacks" I replied, continuing to stir pasta into the tomato sauce sammie had made.

"okay, so anyway. what does Saul do, does he have any hobbies like your weird addiction to reading?" she laughed.

"in fact he does, he plays guitar and he's really good at it" I smile "He also loves snakes. he has five, well technically four because one escaped into his back garden and he never saw it again"

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