~chapter five~ "hey Buddy"

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I was sitting on the doorstep of my aunt's house dragging on the last of my cigarette-I should probably quit soon- I threw the burned out cig on the floor before stomping on it. I took my key from my bag, unlocking the door I went inside.

Axl was sat on the coach with some bleach blonde girl under his arm. I made brief eye contact with him, deciding to ignore him I threw my bag on the floor and headed for the stairs.

"Woah woah woah, hold on. Where have you been melody" He asks

I let out a frustrated sigh, stepping down from the stairs I was about to climb, I turned towards him. " I stayed the night at a friends house, it's no big deal" I said.

"Who's house, what friend you gotta give me more then that" he scoffed

"It's just the girl I met a school" i paused "... her name is lily and she's in my math class, we went over to her house. Watched movies, ate pizza and then we crashed" I sighed

"Fine whatever, but does sammie know you skipped school?" He smirks

"Well does sammie know you've got HER here?" I scoffed pointing at the blonde "And just because your literally incapable of keeping an education unlike me, doesn't mean you have to be an ass for the rest of your life you know?"

"Melody fuck off, man" he growled

"More than happy too" i smiled turning around to head to my bedroom.

I stumble into my bedroom making sure to lock the door behind me-I am not letting axl ruin my day- i kick off my boots and throw my self on the bed. Rolling over to the side my table sat by, I span the wheel on the telephone putting in the right digits. I put the phone to my ear, twirling the phone cord around my finger as I listen to it ringing.


"Hey, it's me"

"Oh hey Mel, are you okay"

"Yeah, just thought I'd give you a call" I smiled to myself.

"Well I'm glad you did. By the way, did you talk to your brother"

"Yeah I did"

"And how was he?"

"Okay I guess, I mean he didn't say much he was too busy with this blonde chick sucking his face off too really pay attention" I scoffed

"So he didn't do anything to you, right?"

"Oh no, just his typical self. Like I said before nothing I can't handle" i huffed

"I know, I know." He chuckled.

"Well I gotta go, I need to take a shower. See you tomorrow at school?" I asked

"Yeah mel I'll see you tomorrow. Thanks for calling to let me know you're okay"

"Bye guitar player" i giggled.

I placed the phone back down on the receiver before heading to the bathroom. I took off some of the makeup that was still on my face, I got undressed and stepped in the shower.

Feeling for the shower head, I turn the handle to the left adjusting the heat to the perfect temperature. The first few drops that land on my skin are bitterly cold but quickly turn warm to the touch and soon warm steam fills the room. The water cascading down my back, my body absorbed the warmth like a sponge. For the first few minutes in my day my mind is clear, no school, no boys, no asshole brothers. Only the sound of the water droplets bouncing off my skin and landing in the bottom of the basin but other then that, my mind is quite.

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