~Chapter two~ Late night diner dates

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I did it, the first day at Fairfax high. An uncomfortable knot still sat in my stomach but settling down in a new town an all, I'm sure it will untie itself.

Eventually I made it home, the cold still nipping at my face although slashes jacket managed to keep my arms relatively warm. My converse tread along the dusty pebbles that created a path up to the front door. I stubbed out my cigarette and doused my clothes, including slashes jacket in strawberry scented perfume to hide the stench of the toxic smoke.

I took my key from my jeans back pocket, slipping it into the key hole until I heard a click. The door swung open, forcing all the warm air to slip out into the Cold and gloomy cali afternoon.

"Hello" I shouted, loud enough for my phrase to echo around the house for a moment but they were no answer.

My aunt was probably at work and Axl was definitely with his band or some random girl doing god knows what. Anyhow, I brushed it off slipping my bag off my shoulder and hanging slashes jacket on the coat rack, i kicked my shoes off and headed into the kitchen.

I made myself a cup of coffee before sitting down on the coach, finally allowing my tense muscles to relax and clicking the remote on, I turn on the MTV channel, My favourite channel of course.

I heard the sound of a key being turned in the lock, when the door swung open a fluffy poof ball of teased red hair stood facing me. It was Axl, his hair looked cemented in place drowned with hairspray. He also wore leather pants and cowboy boots.

"Jesus, what's all this."I chuckled "David Bowie?!"

"fuck off, how was your first day of school dipshit?" he asked, jumping down on the sofa next to me.

"it was good, I made some friends" I smiled to myself

"oh yeah, what's their names?"

I was hesitant to tell him they were actually both boys, as Axl is quite a short tempered maniac when it come to his little sister.

"Steven and slash" I finally spoke

"you got a little crush on this slash kid by any chance?" he cooed ruffling my hair

"what, no" I shot back

"then why are you blushing?"

"What are you talking about?" I scoffed "I am definitely not blushing"

"okay, then why is slashes jacket hung up over there" he smirked, pointing over too where slashes jacket was indeed hung up.

"ugh fine, I was cold so he offered me his jacket it's no big deal. how do you even know its his, it could be anybody's" I hissed

"I checked on the inside of the jacket, his name in sharpie scribbled on the collar and it stunk of weed, that boys trouble Mel" he warned

"Literally look who's speaking" I waved my arms about dramatically trying to prove my point that Axl is in fact also trouble.

"yeah okay, go take a shower and get dressed we're going out"

"and where are we going exactly?"I furrowed my brows


"your taking your little sister to the strip?" I laughed

"yeah, I mean why not you'll be fine. ill be with you, lets go" he whined

"fine, just let me go get showered"

"alright stink, be quick" he shouted

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