~Chapter one~ New Starter

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~june 19th 1983~

I had never begged for anyone to stay but I said please that day.

"Saul please don't leave me, I I love you Saul please don't go"

God those words replaying in my head like it was yesterday. But it wasn't yesterday , it was 5 years ago.

I have never prayed for anything so badly but that night I remember begging the universe for some sort of way to bring us back together.

"Promise me you won't forget me" I told him

"You're not very easy to forgot sweetheart"

Those were the last words he spoke- of what my mind can remember, it was all quite a gloomy blur after that-before he left and I never saw Saul Hudson again.


~March 4th 1981~

"are you ready for your first day sweetie?" My aunt Sammie smiled, as she watched me hurl myself down the stairs with nothing but an empty expression pressed into my skin.

"Don't look so somber" Axl, my brother, phrased leaning up against the open door.

"You've a mere two years left till its full steam ahead to the big bad scary world" I furrowed my brows before he continued. "Look, don't let what happened in the past break you, you're a rose after all and we're strong. I suggest you keep that head held high and that smart mouth of yours shut if you want to stay out of trouble" he smirked before grabbing his box of cigarettes and lighting one up.

I chuckled at his last sentence, lugging my backpack over my shoulder.

"have a good day and if you have any trouble I'll handle it okay?" He gave me a stern look.

"Thanks Ax, I'll see you later alright, if I stand here any longer I'm going to be late" I force a smile, before stepping out the door, into the bright, airy California morning.

"later kid"

Hi, My name is Melody Anna Rose, I am sixteen years old and I am about to start my first day at Fairfax high.

California is a lot different to Lafayette, Indiana where me and Axl lived before fleeing to LA. The town was suffocating, colourless. Its the type of town where if you have the ill-starred privellege to be brought up, or as I would put it dragged up in a town such as itself, you have little to no chance of leaving. But for me and my brother thankfully that wasn't the case.

We grew up in a maniacally dysfunctional household- beaten by our abusive step farther most nights, our birthfather wasn't so great either, those problems manifested in several ways, one of which was ours mother choice of remarrying.

Sharon E. rose our mother. The women who is supposed to care and love unconditionally of us, she did nothing of the sort apart from fall into a heavy cycle of drugs and alcohol, drowning out the screams and cry's of her children whilst her "loving" husband beat the crap out of us.

Axl was no stranger to the law, in-fact they hated him, everynight there would be some big old, dirty police officer dragging my brother through the front door. Other nights I would sneak out of my bedroom window and wait for him outside the police station.

One night after a huge fight with my mom which resulted in my step father throwing me down the stairs, bruising my ribs and earning a punch in the nose from Axl leaving him knocked out. I once again waited outside the police station for him.

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