Chapter 21: Deadmen

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"Baroness Lux, I assure you, there will be no... lingering side effects from such a minor dosing," Singed said, calmly repacking his bag.

Lux snarled, one hand across her midsection, the other pointing Zapper at the good doctor's back. "I would have appreciated the warning before your shot made me feel like my insides were melting, Doctor Singed."

The giant man sighed, a touch melodramatically, "Baroness, please, let's not pretend this is really about your slightly scrambled insides. You're... upset that I cannot help your paramour."

"Upset is putting it mildly, doctor," Lux gritted out through clenched teeth.

Nodding, Singed snapped his case closed before turning to look down at Lux. "Baroness, please understand, wishing you can do something to help and being able to do something to help are wildly different things. I cannot cure magic, no more than I can cure purely psychological afflictions. It's simply not my... area of expertise. Now, are you going to set the gun down... or am I going to gain a new test subject?"

Lux snarled, rage glittering in her eyes, when a tired voice mumbled, "Pay the doc, Sunshine."

"JINX!" Lux shouted, uncocking Zapper and sprinting over to her lover's side, grabbing one hand to hold.

"Ah, Chem-Baroness Jinx, so good of you to... join us."

Jinx sat up, slowly, squinting at the bandaged man. "Have you been paid yet?"

Clasping his hands, Singed shook his head solemnly, "No, though I believe the terms of my visit were that I may fill my pockets after treating you. I could offer you no aid, so..."

Singed shrugged, and Jinx rolled her eyes, "Uh-huh, yeah, and how long were you monitoring me to make sure I was mostly sorta fine?"

The click of a pocket watch, and Singed hummed, "Oh, just shy of half a day. I need to be getting back, I fear my... pet may have gotten loose in the meantime."

With a nudge from Jinx, Lux got up from where she was kneeling by her lover's side. Moving around to the end of the bed, she retrieved a few of the reinforced chem ampules from the tipped-over chest there.

"Here," she said, dropping the ampules into one of the doctor's hands.

The man blinked owlishly, but pocketed the chems nonetheless. "Not quite full pockets, but given the value of these... I shan't complain. If you ever need me... well, send a runner, I suppose."

Bowing ever so slightly, the statuesque doctor backed up a pace or two, before turning on his heel and letting himself out of the room.

The door clicked closed, and Jinx fidgeted, fingers knitting and unknitting together, "So..."

She couldn't say anything more before Lux had thrown herself bodily onto the bed, pulling Jinx into a crushing embrace. She kissed Jinx with a desperate passion, dug her nails into the smaller woman's back, possessive and hungry.

When Lux pulled back from the kiss, both she and Jinx were out of breath, chests pressed together and heaving with need, for air among other things.

"Well, that's one way to wake up I won't complain about," Jinx panted, then moaned as Lux bit down on the meat of her shoulder, teeth threatening to break skin. "Sunshine, Blondie, you're gonna drive me crazy," she groaned, feeling Lux's nails drag furrows down her back.

"I almost lost you."

Lux's voice was small, terrified, and Jinx stilled at the sensation of tears dripping onto her skin. Wriggling one arm free, she cupped Lux's chin, tilted her head back so they were looking into each other's eyes.

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