Chapter 1: Hellfire

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The sun dawns, the moon rises, the stars glitter, and the souls of Runeterra's people swirled and danced through time.

Everyone had someone, another soul that kissed theirs, a soulmate. Destined to touch and part time and time again, to fall into each other's arms, to feel whole, one lifetime at a time.

Or, in the darkest of days, on the most cold and cruel nights, to drive one into despair as their other half withered and died.

Luxanna Crownguard let these thoughts linger in her mind, before another wave of pain clawed at her very essence. A scream ripped through her, and she thrashed against the strong hands that kept her still. Some part of her knew it was her family, her brother, father, and mother holding her down, struggling to restrain her flailing.

Tears poured down her face and fragments of memories crashed and tore through her. Lessons of etiquette blended with childishly scrawled pictures on wrinkled blueprint paper. The burn of her muscles as she trained wielding a proper Demacian short sword clashed and overlapped with the smell of gunpowder and the snap of reloading a revolver.

All this and more poured from the link she shared with an unknown other, just as her own self trickled and slid back the same tether. Nothing was lost, but it was like moving books between adjacent libraries; there, but seperate.

Lux had always known her link to her soulmate was unusually robust. Her mother told her as much after Lux had disrupted a gala with unhinged cackling she couldn't stymie, nor source. It had been that way as long as Lux could remember, inexplicable bouts of giddiness or melancholy. Privately, Lux hoped she sent her soulmate more good days than bad.

This was too much, too much pain for one, let alone two souls to bear, and Lux screamed like a banshee of old as her essence crumbled and her heart broke.

Time came in fits and starts, and Lux realized dimly that she had started to shine at some point, the tightfisted grip she held on her magic, her shameful, horrific secret finally slipping. It didn't matter, nothing mattered to her as she felt her other half inch closer and closer to death.

It was late at night, hours and hours later when the pain faded. Lux drifted in a haze of self loathing and despair. She was still there, laying on her sweat and tear soaked sheets, but now she had no one. She could hear her parents and brother whispering, a desperate, hoarse argument to decide what to do with the witch in their midst.

Luxurious Anarchy (Lux/Jinx)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt