Chapter 16: Sniper

Start from the beginning

Before long, they were by the small staff car, a different, but still hostile sort of atmosphere surrounding the officers of the Piltovian Home Guard, First Company. Their armored transports couldn't fit down the tight alleyways of the undercity, and the staff car had lost both side mirrors before long, but Colonel Brokle had insisted that it was the duty of his rank to appear above the squalor of battle or travel.

Kneeling in the same thin layer of chem-laden ash and debris as her Enforcers, Caitlyn disagreed, but that was neither here nor there. "Colonel, did you need clarification on my Special Enforcer's report?"

The Colonel's frown was evident from his furrowed brows, and the way he drummed his fingers along the side of the automated carriage. "I just wanted to hear that we're being delayed, again, by your oh so fabled gut instincts."

Suppressing sigh number one hundred and one, Caitlyn nodded, "Yes Colonel, we are avoiding what seems like a sniper's paradise in search of a better route. And I say this as someone who favors long-distance engagements herself," she said, patting her unique Hextech rifle. Unlike Vi's gauntlets which were still classed as 'on loan' from Jayce, the rifle had been a gift, one that just so happened to fit into her old rifle's carry case.

"Did you see any snipers? We have a timeline to keep, Ms. Kiramman, and-"
"It's Sheriff Kiramman, Colonel Brokle, and if you truly do intend to take Jinx on in a territory she's laid claim to, you can ill afford to take more casualties."

The Colonel harrumphed at Caitlyn's words, but she had him, she knew he knew she was right. Vi had told her, as had Cameron, Abigail, and Lailha, that in spite of seemingly airtight regulation and control of civilian firearms, a booming black market trade in such thing between topside, undercity, and Bilgewater kept hot iron and cold lead flowing into the dim streets of Piltover's darker half.

It was impossible to prove otherwise, but in the four hours since their eight o'clock march into the undercity had started, a dozen of the Guard had suffered wounds or fatal injuries from "stray bullets". The fact that these running gun battles left very few other injured parties sprawled on the pavement was simply "bad luck", thought Caitlyn bitterly.

"No, we'll press on ahead. Wasting time is simply not an option."

Caitlyn shook her head, why was she so distractible without Vi nearby, "Wait Colonel, you can't-"

"I can, and will, Ms. Kiramman, and I thank you to not ever again try to inform me about what I can or can't do," the old blowhard snarled, his eyes betraying the sneer behind his mask, "Now be a good little girl, and scout the way."

"Why you slimy old fuc-" started Abigail, one of her legendary swearing streaks prematurely stopped by Cameron's hand clapping over her mouth.

"Form up, we need to take point, again." said Caitlyn, turning her back on Brokle as she twisted a few arms and kicked at a few heels to get her squad moving. Special Enforcers, though above and apart from their rank and file comrades, tended to need a bit of a rough touch. Made sense that was the role Vi fell into, given-

Caitlyn slapped a hand over her face and groaned, wondering if something was happening to the other half of her soul. She felt humiliated, afraid, worried sick, proud, a whirlwind of emotions clawing at her mind.

"It's Vi, yeah?" mumbled Lailha, and Caitlyn nodded as they rapidly approached where they'd been kneeling a few minutes ago. With a flagrant disregard for protocol, Lailha undid her respirator and stuck a hand-rolled cigarette into the corner of her mouth. "Mind if I take lead here? Might be new blood, but these were my grounds back in the day, some of the old Dusters might still be hanging about."

Caitlyn paused for a moment, but nodded to Lailha, the sense of being watched and hated growing as the tromp of boots grew louder in her ears. Lailha tossed her rifle to Lenn, and her helmet to Cameron. In a swift motion, she shucked off her chest armor and jacket, leaving her with nothing but her gloves and a chest wrap from the waist up.

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